Mouth Power by Anthony Thompsonಮಾದರಿ

Mouth Power by Anthony Thompson

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 3: The Power of Binding and Loosing

Title: Decreeing Heaven on Earth

Key Scripture: Matthew 16:19 - "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

We have been unpacking the power of your MOUTH, and I want to dig a bit deeper today with some of my favorite examples of leaders playing offense with their MOUTH.

Muhammad Ali's claim of "I am the greatest" is one of the most iconic phrases in sports history. It exemplifies the concept of using affirmations and self-belief as a psychological tool, particularly in the realm of competitive sports.

Ali often used brash and confident declarations about himself to intimidate opponents and solidify his self-confidence.

His declarations were not just for show; they were part of his mental preparation, reinforcing his belief in his abilities and shaping the public's perception of him.

He understood that his MOUTH was a powerful weapon.

My next favorite is Pastor Joel Osteen. I love this dude.

What I love about Pastor Joel is that he uses his MOUTH to create his future. Many of you may not know this, but Pastor Joel learned the power of his mouth from his father and his father’s friends.

His mom and dad taught Pastor Joel to know the POWER of his mouth. Pastor Joel was raised in the church and listened to hundreds of sermons about the power of his MOUTH.

When you read his books or hear his messages about your MOUTH, he doesn’t write about it because he thinks it’s a cool concept. He doesn’t write to tease you - it is HIS TESTIMONY.

Pastor Joel teaches people about it because it IS the DNA of Pastor Joel Osteen. He has seen it work, and the Bible teaches us to do the same.

The scripture today in Matthew centers on using your MOUTH to BIND and to LOOSE - and what does that mean?

If you study the verse, you will see that “bind” simply means to tie something up. Jesus is basically saying, “I am giving you the power (keys) to lock things up and the same power to unlock things on Earth.”

The key to all of this is your MOUTH. I love what my dad says about this, “Your life will move in the direction of your MOUTH.”

Let’s pause here for a moment and ask you something: “What would you like to lock up, and what would you like to unlock in your life?”

Before your mind starts giving you all types of excuses for how weird this is, let me remind you of a powerful scripture. Matthew 19:26 says Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God, everything is possible.”

Jesus literally says, “With God, all things are possible.”

The God you believe will rise to the level of your faith. I heard a renowned preacher tell me one time, “Anthony - you get what you go for.”

What about you? How big is the God you serve?

What if you believed the Lord could do anything?

What if you began to use your mouth to bind up fear, anxiety, worry, and sickness?

What if you began using your mouth to release faith, joy, love, prosperity, and healing?

If Muhammad Ali used his mouth to conquer his enemies. If Pastor Joel used his mouth to beat up the devil and live a blessed life - what is stopping you?

What if YOU are the one who is stopping you?

What if YOUR MOUTH is the one that is stopping you?

Your words bind adversities and lose divine will. Today, use your words to destroy the enemy and permit peace, shaping the atmosphere around you.

As I finish writing this, I’m reminded of the song - What a Wonderful World by Sam Cooke.

And you know what, you have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead living in you. You have THE wonderful counselor with you, and I believe YOUR day will be WONDERFUL.

Before you go, I just had another nudge for you. I’ve had times when I was speaking God’s Word regarding my external circumstances (finances, faith, friendship, and others), and nothing seemed to change.

So, I asked the Lord about it. I said, “Lord, your Word says these mountains in my life are supposed to move - why aren’t they moving.”

His response to me was, “You have some internal mountains that need to be removed first.” I was shook. I knew HE was right.

Before you give up on your faith, remember what the Apostle John wrote, “I wish above all things that you would prosper even as your SOUL prospers.”

Mountains are moving. Whether you can see them or not - God’s Word doesn’t return void. It accomplishes that which it set out to do.

Go get it!

Thought-Stirring Questions:

  • What realities need binding or losing in your life?
  • How can you practice this authority in your daily intercessions and declarations?

Daily Confession:

"I wield the keys of the kingdom, binding challenges and loosing blessings, as my words align with heaven’s decrees."

About this Plan

Mouth Power by Anthony Thompson

Step into a transformative experience with 'Mouth Power,' a devotional journey designed to put the right ROCKET FUEL in your mouth. Discover how faith-filled declarations can reshape your reality, move MOUNTAINS, and bring God's promises to life. Each day unveils biblical wisdom and actionable insights, inviting you to wield the authority of your words with purpose and power. Use your MOUTH to POWER your world.
