Deeper Waters: A 5-Day Devotional by Jeremy Campಮಾದರಿ

Deeper Waters: A 5-Day Devotional by Jeremy Camp

DAY 1 OF 5

Day 1: Take Me Down To The Deeper Waters

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers.”

Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV)

The older I get and the more life I live, the more I realize my great need for Jesus. That might sound ironic coming from a guy like me who’s been in ministry for over 20 years. I dedicated my life to the Lord a long time ago, but I’ve never stopped needing Him.

Life is hard, but I think the hardships reveal our great need for a Savior. The most challenging moments in my life have also become some of my sweetest memories with the Lord.

Difficult days bring us closer to Jesus, and honestly, I think that’s one of the reasons why He allows us to go through painful seasons — to draw us closer to Him.

The first song I wrote for my new album is a track called “Closer To You,” and the chorus says, “So I can stand in the rain and just let it pour if I know that You’re standing with me in the storm. I can handle this life breaking my heart in two if it means I’m closer to You.”

That’s my prayer for you and for me. There will be hard days. In fact, Jesus says, “In this world, you will have trouble.” But the last part of that verse in John 16:33 also says, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.”

God doesn’t promise we won’t ever experience suffering this side of heaven, but He does promise to walk with us every step of the way.

In good times and in bad, more than anything else, I want my roots to run deep in Him. I want to be planted like a tree by His streams of living water so I can bear really sweet fruit in my lifetime.

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About this Plan

Deeper Waters: A 5-Day Devotional by Jeremy Camp

The past 22 years of my career have culminated in my new album, 'Deeper Waters.' Throughout my life, God has richly grown the roots of my faith — namely through suffering. As I look to the future, I pray those roots only grow stronger. Over the next five days, I want to invite you to pursue a more vibrant relationship with Jesus. Journey with me as we dive into deeper waters.
