Our Sexual Onenessಮಾದರಿ

Our Sexual Oneness

DAY 4 OF 7

Day 4: Breaking Free

It brings the enemy great pleasure to steal away God’s love, thereby destroying intimate love within marriage. Let’s focus on 2 lies he employs to prevent us from experiencing the freedom of fully enjoying each other's bodies during lovemaking. We will present a model you can use to overcome these lies. The two lies say something like this, “I hate my body” and “I don’t want my spouse to see me naked.” We constantly meet people in many places of the world who have listened to and agreed with these destructive lies. The great news is that we have witnessed, over and over, the power of the Lord setting couples free from these lies! This problem, often referred to as body image disorder, has little or nothing to do with weight or appearance. During our workshops, we deal with this topic very openly. Again and again, we see attractive and fit men and women stand up when we give the call for those who have thoughts of hating some aspects of their body. It cuts to the core of who they are, telling them they should be ashamed, and they are not desirable. They believe a lie, and, in turn, they hate their bodies. Let us repeat, this goes much deeper than weight and appearance. Hatred of our bodies is like a cancer in our society. If it is not identified or dealt with, those who are living under its stranglehold will continue to see significant negative effects within their marriage. How can you give your body as a gift to your spouse when you hate the body God has given you? Self-hatred can result from many different life experiences, but no matter what the root cause, the lies of the enemy are behind it and the Lord desires to deal with it. 1 Peter 5:8-9 says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour but resist him firm in your faith…” The devil wants to destroy you, so how do you think he goes about doing that? He begins to lie to you. To those of you who live under the power of the lie of self-hatred, the lie that your body is ugly and undesirable, it's time to receive Heaven's perspective. It’s time to stand against the distortion of seeing yourself through the enemy’s eye and see yourself as God does.

Ponder & Pray: Lord, help me to recognize any lies I have been believing from the enemy that would prevent me from having the joyous and fulfilling sex life that you have for me and my spouse.

Activation: 1-2-3 Skidoo Tool (Follow the steps below and nail to the cross any areas that the Holy Spirit brought up while you were praying.) We use this tool a lot for multiple things!

  1. I nail ____________to the cross.

(Example: Control, Manipulation, Accusation, Lies believed about yourself and your body etc.) Be sure to nail all of the thoughts connected to those things to the cross.

  1. I break all agreements I’ve made with ____________known or unknown and I repent of joining with________. And I command all of this darkness and deception away from me.
  2. I thank You, Father, for removing all of this away from me as far as the east is from the west and Father, what do You want to give me in place of__________? (Take a few moments to hear what He wants to say to you or show you. It’s usually the first thing that comes to mind.)


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About this Plan

Our Sexual Oneness

We recommend reading through this devotional together as a couple as we share testimonies, prayers, activities and homework each day. All of this is for the purpose of bringing God’s best from Heaven to earth on behalf of your sexual oneness. Remember, God created sexuality and He is very interested in bringing joy and fulfillment to you both as you partner with Him. Join us on this 7 day devotional!
