Move Againಮಾದರಿ

Day 2 - Move Again In Our Hearts
Whether you’ve been following Jesus for a short or long time, or you’re in a high or a low season, there is one thing we know to be true: God wants to move in your heart right now.
In a world surrounded by noise, plans, and always something new and next, we can preoccupy ourselves with novelty and forget the old true way of life: to follow Jesus with all our heart. Jesus warns us of something like this in Matthew 24:12 that for many, daily life leads our hearts to grow cold to Him.
So perhaps the fight of our life is to keep the love of Christ burning bright.
Revelation 2:4-5 is a warning to a church who knew how to live a busy life but forgot their first love: Jesus Himself. Use this time as a call from Jesus to return to Him. Come back to the source of the heat, remember the fire that you had when your heart was first captured by the Gospel.
Meditation Questions:
- Can you remember a time that you felt like you were the most on fire for God? What was happening in your life at that stage?
- What would you say is the level of your love for the Lord right now? Cold, lukewarm, hot?
- Why do you think our love for God goes cold over time?
- How do you think we can rekindle that flame so that it burns more brightly again? What kinds of things might we put into our lives to achieve this?
About this Plan

Over the next few days, we will discover together how God wants to move in our hearts, families, churches, and workplaces. Maybe one of these areas seems more significant to your current season, and you need God to move and break through in a major way. This plan will help us discover and remember that God is able and willing to do more.