Come & See: Life Lessons From Women In the New Testament ಮಾದರಿ

Come & See: Life Lessons From Women In the New Testament

DAY 2 OF 10


Come & See: The Abundant Life of Anna

Sometimes, life doesn’t turn how we thought it would.

The marriage that never happened. The marriage that ended in divorced.

A barren womb. A prodigal child.

Financial challenges. Physical illness.

In scripture, we encounter Anna who likely felt that her life didn’t turn out exactly how she thought it would either. Her story is summarized in just 3 verses of scripture.

She was a widow after only 7 years of marriage. There was also no mention of any children or that she ever remarried. During that time period, being a wife and mom was everything. Even in our society today, it is a big deal. Many women would have let their lives stop there.

But not Anna.

Sheryl Sandberg, the COO at Facebook alluded to this concept after the sudden loss of her husband. She talked about living out Option B - the life you didn’t want but currently have. After some wise counsel from a friend, she realized the choice was hers on how she was going to handle it.

I think we would all agree that it’s one thing to say this, and another thing to live it. We all want option A - that’s why it’s option A. But when life presents us with option B as our only option, then what happens?

Anna showed us that while option B may not be our first choice, our lives can still find fulfillment and purpose beyond what we ever imagined. Anna spent her days at the temple. She worshipped. She fasted. She prayed. Her faithful service there positioned her to receive another promise - meeting the Messiah. Then, she spent her days telling people about Him.

From wife to widow to witness.

If you are currently living in Option A, praise God for that. But if you are one of many who are in the Option B camp, you are not alone...literally.

God is with you. He sees you. He hears you. He knows you. He still has plans for you. Great plans.

We serve a God who has a way of making our lives exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or think...even if it wasn’t what we initially imagined.


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