The 5 Second Rule by Anthony Thompsonಮಾದರಿ

The 5 Second Rule by Anthony Thompson

DAY 3 OF 3

Day 3: Changing Your Mindset with God's Help

Mel Robbins Quote: "The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself."

Scripture: Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will."

Think about Moses and the Israelites wandering in the desert. They had a tough time, always worrying about what they didn't have.

But when they started to change their mindset, focusing on God's promises and provision, things started to change. They learned to trust and see things differently.

It's like that with us too. When negative thoughts creep in, flip the script. Use the 5-Second Rule, focus on God's truth, and watch your perspective change.

This whole idea about the stories we tell ourselves is SO powerful. I want to play around with a few characters in the Bible.

When I think about the stories Jesus COULD have believed about himself and his life - it brings me hope.

Jesus could have complained about fleeing Israel as a child because Herod was trying to kill him. He could have complained about his parents leaving him at the temple when he was 12.

Jesus could have complained about fasting for 40 days and being tempted by Satan. He could have complained about having no food for the multitudes gathering around Him.

Every great thing we read about Jesus could have been flipped to be negative.

I know if it was me - I would have complained about so many things like, “Where do we sleep, what do we eat, where are we going.”

However, His mind was renovated. His mind was focused on the story God gave to Him, not what men said about Him. Jesus knew his goal and his mind was in line to achieve it.

As I think about the stories I have told myself over my lifetime - I know I have failed. Allow me to share some of these stories I have told myself. Maybe you can relate.

I was born to a teenage mother and an unknown father. Therefore, I felt rejection and abandonment.

My mother died when I was seven years old. Therefore, I felt lost and unloved.

I was adopted. Adoption can feel like you are unwanted and unloved. Adoption can feel like plan B.

I didn’t finish college. Therefore, I did not feel good enough.

I was raised in a small town. Therefore, I didn’t feel talented enough.

I’ve been fired from my job multiple times. Therefore, I didn’t feel valued or not good enough.

I was raised in the church. Therefore, I felt less than, less intelligent, and less knowledgeable.

I want to pause here because all of these statements were real to me. These were all badges of honor. These were all things I would lean on as crutches.

The truth of the matter is that Jesus saved me, delivered me, and renovated my mind to not live in what I am not - but in what HE created me to be.

I love this line from Kanye West, “Everything I’m not makes me everything that I am.”

The stories I was telling myself had to change. Instead of seeing all of these items I listed above as negatives - I transformed them into building blocks of greatness.

Instead of seeing myself as rejected - I was chosen.

Instead of seeing myself as less than - I was more than enough.

Instead of seeing myself as not good enough - I was blessed.

Instead of seeing myself as not smart enough - I had the mind of Christ.

Instead of seeing myself as a small-town kid - I had a God who could exceed all my expectations.

Let’s pause here, and let me sit with you for a minute.

What about you and your stories?

What stories are you telling yourself that need to be renovated?

What needs to be destroyed right now?

What story do you need to replace it with?

When will you begin to do this?

When will you start?

Who is going to keep you accountable?

Nearly every time I sit with a client, we play around with this idea of the stories we tell ourselves. What you think about - is what you become.

Your thoughts and your stories are the ancestors of your feelings.

What do you want to feel? Change your thoughts, and your feelings will change.

I know when I first heard this sort of talk - I wanted everything to change overnight. However, just like a home renovation - a mindset renovation takes time.

Each negative, excuse-filled story takes time to demolish. Only when it is demolished can you begin to design the new story and the new life.

Scriptures tell us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

When Jesus was on earth - He had to believe the identity his Father gave Him. He had plenty of times to make excuses, but he didn’t. He was committed to his mission and His story.

In the same way - this is what you and I must do. We must put away the old and embrace the new. Let go of the old stories. They don’t serve you. Embrace the blueprint for your life in God’s Word.

Affirmation: "I am renewing my mind with God's truth and overcoming negative self-talk."

A Few More Questions:

  • What negative thoughts keep bugging you?
  • Can you use the 5-Second Rule to switch them off?
  • How can focusing on God's promises change your outlook?

Prayer: God, help me to stop the negative chatter in my head. Fill my thoughts with Your truth and guide me to see things Your way. Amen.

If any of this was impactful for you, please let me know. Feel free to email me or send a message on Instagram.

If you feel like God is leading you into higher levels of Spirituality, I’d love to challenge you to join my Spiritual Accountability Group, join my email growth list, or look into 1-1 coaching. You can find more about it at

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The 5 Second Rule by Anthony Thompson

The 5 Second Rule: A 3-Day Devotional by Anthony Thompson masterfully combines Mel Robbins' empowering strategies with profound Biblical insights. This engaging devotional navigates through courage, perseverance, and transformative thinking, blending Robbins' renowned 5-Second Rule with scriptural wisdom. Anthony's compelling narrative encourages readers to harness faith and decisiveness in everyday life. Perfect for those seeking spiritual growth alongside actionable life changes.
