Unbroken Focusಮಾದರಿ

Unbroken Focus

DAY 3 OF 5


5 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not

let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”


In today’s devotional, we are going to focus on unbroken freedom. Your freedom is

vital to your focus. It’s hard to maintain your focus when toxic thoughts, patterns, and

people constantly bind your mind. Galatians 5 reminds us that Christ has already set

us free and encourages us to STAND FIRM and never go back to a yoke of bondage.

Because of what Christ did on the cross, we are now liberated to live a life free from

the authority of sin. I always like to say that being a child of God is not about what you

can’t do but more about what you no longer must do. If the enemy can get you to

focus on your limitations, he can blind you from seeing the liberty you have in Christ

Jesus. Now that I’m a child of God, I don’t have to surrender to lust, toxic relationships,

addictions, pornography, or pride. The challenge isn’t obtaining freedom; the

challenge is maintaining freedom. The phrase “stand firm” leaped off the pages to

me. If I had a subtopic for today’s devotional, it would be “firm freedom.” Paul wants

us to understand that our freedom must be firm if we’re going to maintain it.

To maintain our freedom, we must identify ourselves as free. Galatians 5:1 says that it

was FOR FREEDOM that Christ has SET US FREE. The word “set” also means to place or

position, which means Christ has placed and positioned us to be free. In other words,

Christ made us free to walk in freedom. We must understand that freedom is not just

what you have; it’s who you are. Realizing this truth, I was compelled to ask myself,

“Why do we have so many free people surrendering to the bondage of sin?” And the

Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “People aren’t choosing sin because they’re not free

from it; people choose to sin because they’re familiar with it.”

As humans, sin is in our nature, and we are very familiar with it. We are naturally

attracted to familiarity because it provides predictability and comfort. Although

something may not be healthy for us, we’re likely to continue to indulge in it because

it’s familiar to us. Therefore, you must be careful with what you become familiar with.

So many people stay in toxic and unhealthy relationships because toxicity is familiar

and a healthy relationship is foreign. We have so many people staying in bondage,

tolerating abuse and lowering their standards because they fear the unknown of

freedom. This shows why UNBROKEN FELLOWSHIP with Jesus is so important

because the more you fellowship with Him, the more familiar you become with Him.

When you become familiar with Jesus, you will begin to want what He wants, love

what He loves, show mercy like He shows mercy, and forgive as He forgives. Our

decisions are heavily influenced by what we are familiar with. Familiarity with Christ

will increase your chances of choosing Him in moments of struggle. In this season,

God wants us to get familiar with our freedom and become foreign to these old habits,

patterns, and behaviors. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in

Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have

become new.” The phrase “become new” is the key that makes this verse come alive

in your life. The word “become” insinuates the process.

Being new in Christ doesn’t happen instantly; it’s a process, a path, and a journey.

Christ gives us the grace to become foreign to sin and familiar with freedom. Before

we pray, I encourage you to be FIRM in your freedom. Just because we’re no longer

under the authority of sin doesn’t mean we don’t still have a desire for it. Remember,

freedom ends the bondage, not the battles. STAND FIRM and FIGHT for your



Dear God, I come to You asking for forgiveness of all my sins. God, I pray that You

would create a clean heart and renew the right spirit in me. Lord, I invite You into

my heart, mind, and spirit today. Lord, fix my vision. Help me to BE free from the sin

that keeps me from Your presence. Lord, help me walk in my freedom and not fear,

insecurity, past trauma, lust, pride, or anything else that continuously trips me up.

Lord, show me myself. Reveal to me the areas of bondage in my life. Lord, change

my desires and purify my appetites. Lord, I ask that You strengthen me today to

break strongholds. Lord, free me from the chains of familiarity, so I can grow closer

to You. Lord, I pray that You would expose every familiar spirit sent to distract me

this season. Lord, I ask You to sustain me in my weaknesses, so I will STAND FIRM

in our freedom. Strengthen my faith and help me to trust You more, Lord. In Jesus

name, I pray, amen.

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About this Plan

Unbroken Focus

In this devotional, we will discuss how to develop a level of focus that is indestructible. To develop unbroken focus, we must become spiritually and mentally immune to distractions. We will all be presented with various distractions; the key is how we respond to them.
