Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?ಮಾದರಿ

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

DAY 3 OF 7

No.2 - We are not ready for the answers

So often, spiritually, we're just not ready for the answer. We sometimes ask questions about, for example, our future or the outcome of our illness. But God doesn't answer us because we're not spiritually mature enough or ready for the answer. If he answered us, it could destroy us or make us lose our faith. Knowledge can be a stumbling block for us. Too much knowledge often leads to unbelief and despair. Therefore, God doesn't say certain things to us. Let it be enough for you that God knows and is in control (Deut.29:29; 1 Cor.13:12).

No.3 - God created each of us with a specific purpose

Sometimes, we feel very "ordinary", and sometimes, we feel special (Rom.9:21). We can sometimes ask the right questions, but the answer we want does not fit our creative purpose and God's plan for our life, so God tells me no! We are all unique — because God made us — each with a specific purpose. He is the

Potter, and we are the clay. It's not the pot's place to ask the Potter, "What do you do now? Do you really know what you're doing?" You will find joy in your creative purpose — and it's not to be like someone else. Don't desire to be like anyone else — it will destroy you. God never makes second-hand or inferior things. You are unique and important.

No.4 - We don't stand on praying ground

The attitude of our heart might be wrong, or we don't want to hear what God wants to say. We complain that He is not giving what we ask. There may be sin in our lives. Sin hinders answers to prayer. Get to a point where you come to stand before God in dependence on Him, where your heart is set on Him, your life is clean, and you're ready to do the will of God no matter what He asks.

These principles are tremendously important. So often, we are not in a place where God can answer us because we are not interested in His will, but "that my will be done."

Are there bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, self-pity, anger, envy and criticism in your heart? God says in the Word that He will not answer us if we carry these.

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About this Plan

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

Many people struggle with why God is not answering their prayers. The following study gives several helpful guidelines to help you better understand. God answers all prayers, but not always according to your will and desire.
