More Than Conquerors: Claiming Victory Over Sinಮಾದರಿ

It is right and good for Christians to recognize and resist the Enemy and temptation, but if that is all we ever do, we will not accomplish very much.
If we ever hope to advance the Kingdom of God, lead souls to salvation in Jesus, and prove God’s power to save and transform for His glory, we have to get moving.
How do you know whether or not you are moving in the right direction? Easy. Read your Bible. Fill your heart and mind with it. Give the Holy Spirit something to remind you of in moments of choice and then listen for His voice.
When you depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance, He will lead you to want what God wants and show you how to do what God wants you to do. Be careful, though, that you do not allow the process to become overly mystical and start making decisions based on hunches and feelings, but test every thought and desire against the truth of God’s Word to make sure that what you have heard is really from God. He never contradicts Himself.
Read Ephesians 5:17, Philippians 2:12-13, and 1 John 4:4.
About this Plan

“More than conquerors,” that’s what the Bible calls those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ for eternal salvation from the consequences of sin (Romans 8:35-39). So why do we continue to struggle after surrendering our lives to Him? Because the Enemy is alive and well and wants to steal our joy. Don’t let him! Overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit instead.
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