4 Keys to Growing Spiritual Rootsಮಾದರಿ

4 Keys to Growing Spiritual Roots

DAY 4 OF 4

Key 4: Die to Yourself

If you want spiritual roots that will make you strong enough to carry a huge level of blessing, influence, and responsibility in the long term, you’ve got to die to yourself.

What does it mean to "die to yourself"?

"Dying to yourself" means that you remember in every moment of every day, with every choice that arises, that you are already dead to yourself and alive only in Christ.

Galatians 2:20 tells us that, if you have made Jesus Christ the Lord (Boss and Master) of your life, then you are already dead to yourself.

Having made Jesus your Savior, it is no longer you who lives, but Christ who lives in you. You now live only by faith in Him.

Sometimes, however, your flesh likes to stage a little resurrection. Sometimes your mind forgets that you’re dead to yourself, and it wants to do what it wants to do. You probably know exactly what I’m talking about. For example:

  • When you want to yell at your spouse;
  • When you want to say unholy words;
  • When you want to get revenge;
  • When you want to insist on getting your own way and preserving your own fleshly "rights" and entitlements;
  • When you lie to cover up your sins, and so on.

When your flesh rises up and wants to sin against God, you have to remind it that you’re dead to yourself.

Whenever the enemy tempts you to sin, you will grow stronger in the Lord if you take that temptation and throw it at the feet of Jesus. Refuse, by His grace and help, to yield to it. And make the choice that aligns with holiness instead.

Your flesh cannot control you; you are dead to the influence of your flesh!

In Christ, you have become a slave of righteousness. Your LIFE is found only in Jesus who lives inside you—and Jesus, who dwells within you, never disobeys the Father.

Dying to yourself makes you like that grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies. When you die to yourself, you will eventually receive a harvest of a transformed life, increased fruitfulness, a closer friendship with Jesus, and blessing from the Father.

Growing spiritual roots requires "digging into" the truth of God's Word every day and obeying what we read.

As you do that, the Great Master Gardener—God Himself—will make your spiritual roots grow deeper and deeper. And no matter what kind of storms life may send your way, you will be rooted and grounded in Christ ... and you will remain strong and stable.

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About this Plan

4 Keys to Growing Spiritual Roots

We need spiritual roots because we are to be rooted and grounded in Christ. But how do we get there? These four encouraging keys from Scripture will help you take the practical steps God prescribes that will produce deep spiritual roots in us.
