The Power of the Blessing: 5 Days to Improve Your Relationshipsಮಾದರಿ

The Power of the Blessing: 5 Days to Improve Your Relationships

DAY 4 OF 5

The Elements of the Blessing

Reading Plan Content

If you are ready to choose life and blessing, let’s be even more specific about the five elements of the Blessing.

The First Element: Appropriate Meaningful Touch

We all need appropriate meaningful touch and suffer when we are deprived of it. However, children are particularly affected by the absence of touch. Sometimes it can so affect a child that they spend a lifetime reaching out for arms that will never embrace them.

In the Old Testament, touch played an important part in the bestowal of the family blessing. When Isaac blessed Jacob, an embrace and a kiss were involved. We read, “Then his father Isaac said to him, ‘Please come close and kiss me, my son’” (Genesis 27:26 NASB).

The Second Element: A Spoken or Written Message

Words have the incredible power to build us up or tear us down emotionally. This is particularly true when it comes to giving or gaining family approval. Many people can clearly remember words of praise their parents spoke years ago. Others can remember negative words they heard—and what their parents were wearing when they spoke them!

Are words or their absence really that powerful? Solomon said: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21).

The Third Element: Attaching High Value

What do we mean by “high value”?

To value something means to attach great importance to it. This is at the very heart of the concept of blessing.

In the Old Testament, spoken words that attach high value to a child are like shining threads of love and value running through the fabric of a blessing.

Telling children they are valuable can be difficult for many parents, especially if the parents never heard such words when they were young.

We need to find a way to communicate a message of high value and acceptance, a way to express a person’s valuable qualities and character traits apart from their performance.

The Fourth Element: Picturing a Special Future

When it comes to predictions about their future, children are literalists—particularly when they hear predictions from their parents, the most important people (from an earthly perspective) in their lives. This is why communicating a special future to a child is such an important part of giving the family blessing. But this element of the Blessing isn’t just for children. Feeling and believing that the future is hopeful and something to look forward to can greatly affect anyone’s attitude on life.

The Fifth Element: An Active, Genuine Commitment

Why is an active, genuine commitment such an important part of the Blessing? Words of blessing alone are not enough. They need to be backed by an ongoing dedication to see the Blessing come to pass.

This principle is what the apostle James wanted us to understand in his letter. There we read, “If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?” (James 2:15–16).

Don’t wait! Don’t leave your blessing to chance! Make an intentional plan to give your son, your daughter—everyone you care about—your blessing. Write it down. Speak the words. Make a video. Make a memory now and give it as a keepsake for tomorrow.


  • Describe a blessing spoken over you by someone in your life.
  • What impact did that blessing have on you?


Father God, help me be sensitive to those I meet today in need of words of encouragement and Your touch.


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About this Plan

The Power of the Blessing: 5 Days to Improve Your Relationships

These five daily readings are based on the book The Power of the Blessing: Five Keys to Improving Your Relationships. The biblical gift of "The Blessing" is key to your self-worth and emotional well-being. People of every age long for the gift of The Blessing—the unconditional love and approval that comes from healthy relationships with your family and with the world around you.
