Start Sharp: 21 Days of Prayer and Fastingಮಾದರಿ

Start Sharp: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

DAY 17 OF 21


Today we are asking God to help us grow strong in self-control as we seek to obey Him. At times, we have all found ourselves struggling to do what we know is right. Maybe for you, it’s a new routine, discipline, or pattern you are trying to implement. Maybe you are trying to break a way of thinking, an unhelpful pattern, or walk away from temptation. Firstly, know you are not alone. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God! In Romans chapter 7, Paul writes about the struggle of fighting our flesh and obeying God! Jesus set us free from sin and His grace is sufficient for our imperfection. There is no condemnation in Jesus. The Holy Spirit will help lead you and guide you as you follow Him. Remember, it’s about progression and not perfection. True submission requires self-control because our flesh and our Spirit can want different things. Prayer and fasting is a spiritual discipline that helps us grow in self-control because it quiets our fleshly desires and strengthens our Spirit to obey God. As we seek to grow in self-control, remember we have access to a strength that is beyond us to deny our flesh and desire God’s will as we remain connected to Him.

Application/ Reflection:

  • Where do you need an increase in self-control?
  • What is God asking you to surrender to Him?
  • How can the fruit of self-control be seen in your life?


Lord, I thank You for Your Holy Spirit. I thank You for my Helper who leads me into Your will and Your way for my life. I repent for the times I have missed the mark. I pray that I can practice deeper levels of self-control as I obey You. I pray that my life will glorify You and that I will be a light to those around me. I thank You for freedom and victory. In Jesus’ name, amen!

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About this Plan

Start Sharp: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Over the next 21 days, we will start the year sharp by seeking God first. By dedicating the beginning of our year to a time of prayer and fasting, we will intentionally sharpen our Spirits by prioritizing God and spending time in His presence. We believe that as we commit to starting the year spiritually sharp, you will experience genuine transformation in Christ.
