Plug Into Godಮಾದರಿ

Plug Into God

DAY 1 OF 21


In our modern, tech-driven world, staying connected with others is a breeze, but maintaining a connection with God often feels challenging. Amid the myriad distractions vying for our attention, balancing life's engagements and entertainment can overshadow our connection to God. The popular "YOLO" (You Only Live Once) mindset prevails, but there's more to the story. Beyond our earthly existence, we have eternal life, hinging on how we navigate life here and now. God reveals that experiencing heaven on earth involves "remaining in Christ" — staying connected to Him.

But what does it mean to "remain in God"? Let's break it down: belief in Him as the one true God, accepting Him as Lord and Savior, and, crucially, living out His commands, inspiring those around you on your journey in Christ. As you embark on this 21-day devotional, crafted with insights from my friends, discover how staying connected to God amid life's distractions is more feasible than you might think.

Stay Connected

Jesus says, "I'm the vine; you're the branches." Picture it—a vine and its branches, completely connected, right? That's us and Jesus. He's not some distant figure; He's our life source, the reason we're thriving.

"Stay connected, and you'll bear fruit." Think of fruit as the good stuff in your life—love, joy, kindness, all that jazz. When we stick close to Jesus, we naturally bring out the good fruits. It's like a life upgrade!

But here's the thing: "Without Him, we can't do squat." It's not a downer; it's just the truth. When we try to do life on our own, it's like trying to charge your phone without plugging it in. Nada, zilch, nothing.

So, here's the takeaway for today: Stay connected to Jesus. It's not about rules or obligations; it's about a dope relationship that brings out the best in us. Let's be branches that are always vibing with the vine, soaking up the good stuff, and spreading His love wherever we go.


  1. How connected do you feel to Jesus in your daily life, and where could you improve that connection?
  2. Reflect on moments when you've experienced love, joy, or kindness. How can staying close to Jesus enhance these positive experiences?
  3. In what areas are you trying to go it alone? How might acknowledging your dependence on Jesus bring a positive shift to those areas?

Dacía James Lewis / Brian Abson


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About this Plan

Plug Into God

In a world buzzing with distractions, discover the power of staying connected to the ultimate source of inspiration. Unearth the tools for a truly productive Christian life that not only enriches your spiritual journey but sparks a flame that inspires those around you. Join us as we delve into daily insights, reflection, and practical guidance, unlocking the secrets to a plugged-in, purpose-driven existence.
