The Power of Oneಮಾದರಿ

The Power of One

DAY 1 OF 6

What will it take to reach eight billion people around the world with a legitimate opportunity to know Jesus? Not just read “Jesus loves you” on a billboard or bumper sticker, but experience an authentic encounter with him?

There is a story that stirs my heart every time I hear it. You may be familiar with it in the movie Hacksaw Ridge about the World War II medic Desmond Doss. A conscientious objector who refused to carry a rifle, Doss found himself in the throes of the Battle of Okinawa with thousands of dying men surrounding him. As his company sounded a retreat, Desmond Doss charged back into the black smoke with nothing but a medic pack on his side and a relentless prayer on his lips: “Lord, help me get one more.”

When he found his first survivor, Doss dragged the soldier to the edge of the battlefield and lowered him off the ridge to safety, then prayed again, “Just one more.” And then again, and again, and again. Saving friend and foe alike, Desmond Doss risked his own life to save the lives of soldiers one at a time for twelve hours straight. It is estimated that Doss saved over seventy-five lives, but each time he ran back onto the battlefield, he had no idea how many he would save in the end. He just knew that one more would be worth it all.

The story of Desmond Doss mirrors the heart of our Savior. C.S. Lewis wrote, “[Jesus] died not for men but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, he would have done no less.” Every person matters to God, and the motivation for the cross was to rescue every single person to ever walk the Earth.

More than two decades ago, the Lord shared a vision with me based in Habakkuk 2. I heard him say, “I am going to send a second flood—a new flood, like the flood of Noah’s day. Only this flood will be spiritual and not physical. This new flood will not be a flood of retribution and justice but of mercy and love. My spirit is going to flood the Earth!” I instantly felt impressed to read Habakkuk’s prophetic words, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (2:14). How do the waters cover the sea? I thought. An answer immediately came: Completely!

With the global population now well over eight billion people, I remember asking the Lord how we could ever possibly reach every person with a legitimate opportunity to encounter Jesus. I expected to receive an elite strategy that included a massive budget and cutting-edge technology. Instead, I felt the Holy Spirit answer simply, “One person at a time.”

Reaching eight billion people might seem overwhelming, but what about ten people? What about five? What about ONE? As followers of Christ, we’re called to see the world through God’s eyes.

A person is not just a number in a crowd but someone’s son, daughter, brother, or sister. And they are deeply loved by God. Our mission isn’t just to reach the masses but to touch the heart of the one in front of us—because in God’s kingdom, one is never just one.

The predominant plan Jesus modeled for changing the world was one-on-one interactions. And the plan for reaching the world is still the same today: If we will focus on the ONE, God will help us reach everyONE.

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About this Plan

The Power of One

The Great Commission is Jesus’s call to each of us to spread the gospel to all people. At the time of this commission, there were approximately three hundred million people on Earth. Today, there are more than eight billion people. How will we ever reach them all? Dr. Billy Wilson’s The Power of One offers a path to do just that: One person at a time.
