Horizon Church Christmas Advent Bible Reading Plan: The Joy of Every Longing Heartಮಾದರಿ

Horizon Church Christmas Advent Bible Reading Plan: The Joy of Every Longing Heart

DAY 30 OF 31

We know nothing of lasting kingdoms. Most political systems around the world, every few years either re-elect our leader or kick them out. The bottom line is: that we’ve built a system of disposable leaders.

Not so with God’s Kingdom. His Kingdom has always been. The High King of Heaven has no term limits.

"His dominion is an everlasting dominion

that will not pass away,

and His Kingdom is one

that will never be destroyed."

—Daniel 7:14

Christmas morning was not Christ’s coronation, and His crucifixion was not a coup. He was King in the cradle and King on the cross. King as a crown of thorns pierced His royal brow and King as He burst from the grave with our freedom as His spoils. He is King today. He will be King forevermore.

Christ’s forever Kingdom shifts our response to our ever-changing kingdoms. A day is coming when every knee from every nation will bow to the One deserving of our allegiance and adoration. The more our human leaders fail us, the more we praise the One who cannot forsake His own.

“‘His Kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey Him’” (Daniel 7:27).

As we look ahead to a new year, the only thing certain is that nothing is certain. From your personal comfort to our national stability, anything can happen (and often does). When that makes your hands tremble or your stomach ties itself in knots, consider the chorus that echoes through heaven’s corridors.

"Blessing and honour and glory and power

be to the One seated on the throne,

and to the Lamb, forever and ever!"

—Revelation 5:13

It’s true: power is slippery. All earthly kingdoms are destined to fall. Political boundaries will be drawn and redrawn. Yet, in every season we have this unmovable hope, “Of the increase of [Christ’s] government and of peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:7 ESV).

Find your fortitude in this: the King of kings will reign forever. When our world feels unsteady, lift your eyes. Lift your arms. Lift your heart. Then rest your weary bones and know—the King is on His throne.

ದಿನ 29ದಿನ 31

About this Plan

Horizon Church Christmas Advent Bible Reading Plan: The Joy of Every Longing Heart

“Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free.” These words from a beloved hymn capture the heart of Advent: longing, waiting, expectation. Scripture builds our anticipation of our Saviour, God Himself who would dwell among His people and set them free from sin and death. Celebrate Jesus’ first coming as the baby born in Bethlehem and anticipate His second as the glorious King over all.
