Nervous Breakthrough: Finding Freedom From Fear and Anxiety in a World That Feeds It.ಮಾದರಿ

Nervous Breakthrough: Finding Freedom From Fear and Anxiety in a World That Feeds It.

DAY 4 OF 10

In the most extraordinary love story ever written, God sacrificed his one and only son so we could gain eternal life. Can such unconditional love truly exist—a perfect heaven-born love, not an imperfect earthbound love? Our human minds have a hard time grasping this kind of love. We only know human love. But the love of God? It’s far more remarkable. Take a moment to read this love letter written for you:

Sweet child of mine. Before the earth was even formed, I knew you. I knitted you together perfectly in your mother’s womb. I have fearfully and wonderfully made you. I have mighty plans for your life, plans to prosper you and not harm you. I make no mistakes; my works are perfect. I know you so intimately that I have numbered the hairs on your head. Do your most intimate loved ones know that about you? You have no thought or idea that I don’t already know about. My love for you is unconditional and is not based on your love for me. My love for you is as deep as the ocean and outnumbers the grains of sand, and yet still, that doesn’t even begin to explain my never-ending, steadfast love for you. I sent my only son to die for you so you could have everlasting life. My perfect love for you casts out fear. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can separate you from my love. I will be back again someday to get you. Until then, live loved. Live in peace. Live fearlessly.


Although this letter was my human attempt to capture the heart of God, I hope you read every word carefully and soaked in its meaning. The sentences woven together are promises from his Word. You can take this letter at face value and believe it. Take a picture of it, and make it your screen saver. Text it to a friend, post it on social media, tell the world that God loves you, and remind somebody else that he loves them too.

What does God’s love have to do with fear? A lot. Until I truly learned to rest in God’s love, I continued to struggle significantly with fear and anxiety, which leads me to ask: Can understanding his love be a method we’ve overlooked in overcoming anxiety? I believe strongly that our world has massively overlooked understanding God’s love as a method of overcoming anxiety.

Now, dig into some of the scriptures written in this love letter and process how much God loves you.

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About this Plan

Nervous Breakthrough: Finding Freedom From Fear and Anxiety in a World That Feeds It.

Whether you’re on the verge of a breakdown, in the middle of one, or wondering if you’re headed toward one—this 10 day plan will show you how a breakdown can lead to a breakthrough. We have wasted enough time living in fear, let’s start living in freedom!
