Sent With Purpose: A 14-Day Devotional to Prepare for Short-Term Mission ಮಾದರಿ

Sent With Purpose: A 14-Day Devotional to Prepare for Short-Term Mission

DAY 11 OF 14

As you prepare to embark on your mission trip, take a look at the commission Jesus gave to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV):

"Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

These verses, often referred to as the Great Commission, are an encouragement and commissioning for your journey of faith and service.

All Authority on Heaven and on Earth

The Great Commission begins with a powerful declaration of Christ's supreme authority. This means that your own strength—whether you feel a lot of it or very little—is off the table. You go forth not in your own strength but under the authority of the One who has conquered sin and death. Whatever challenges you may face, remember that Jesus has overcome them all. It’s a supremely powerful reminder and comfort.

Charles Spurgeon writes of this verse, “​​Power in the hands of some people is dangerous, but power in the hands of Christ is blessed. Oh, let him have all power! Let him do what he will with it, for he cannot will anything but that which is right, and just, and true, and good.”

Go and Make Disciples

Jesus' command is clear: "Go." For each person, this “going” will look different. Some, like you, may feel called to cross nations’ borders, but it certainly isn’t limited to a global scale. All of the Christ-follower’s life is mission work. Your mission trip is a response to this call to go beyond your comfort zone, your familiar surroundings, and your everyday routines. It's a call to step out in faith.

The primary purpose of your mission is to "make disciples." This goes beyond simply sharing the Gospel; it involves nurturing and guiding individuals into a deep and transformative relationship with Christ. Your mission is about introducing people to Jesus and helping them become His devoted followers.

Be prepared to share your faith, your knowledge, and your personal experiences to help others grow in their walk with Christ. If you’ve never practiced sharing what the Gospel is, try a few times before you go. If you’ve never learned to share your personal story of faith, try to sum it up in a few moments to share when you arrive and meet new people.

I Am with You Always

Jesus concludes the Great Commission with a promise: "And surely I am with you always." As you embark on your mission, remember that you are not alone. The presence of Christ goes before you, beside you, and behind you.

In moments of uncertainty, fatigue, or challenge, take comfort in the assurance of His presence. His presence means power. His presence means peace. His presence means protection.

As you prepare for your mission ahead, remember that you certainly work for Jesus, but more than that, you work with Jesus. May your journey be a testimony to His love, and may you witness lives transformed by the power of the Gospel. Begin to pray for that now.

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About this Plan

Sent With Purpose: A 14-Day Devotional to Prepare for Short-Term Mission

Embarking on a short-term mission trip is always exciting, but it requires more than just packing bags and buying a plane ticket. "Sent with Purpose" is a 14-day devotional designed to root your mission in the truths and purposes of God and prepare you for the journey ahead, with topics like God's call to mission, cross-cultural understanding, unity, prayer, and resilience.
