21 Days of Prayer & Fastingಮಾದರಿ

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

DAY 16 OF 21

Trees Well Planted

The verses we're exploring in the book of Jeremiah are set against the backdrop of a warning against placing trust in the world, in human hands, and finding strength solely in flesh. This portrayal is disheartening yet all too common—depicting individuals who anchor their hopes, purposes, and trust in entities unable to truly fulfil their aspirations.

I love the picture the Bible paints here: that of a person persistently bearing fruit, irrespective of seasons. Have you crossed paths with someone who, despite enduring hardships, radiates joy? Their life overflows with the fruits of the spirit—love, joy, peace, gentleness.

It makes me think about the person described in Psalm 92, describing someone thriving in the Lord's House—continuing to bear fruit in old age, full of vitality. What a great way to get old—to still be full of life and youth, deliberately avoiding the rigidity often associated with aging.

How can the people of God live in this way? Is it because the circumstances of life have afforded them joy? Of course not! It’s because of the way they have planted themselves. Their roots go deep and extend wide, firmly entrenched near a potent life source. The water symbolises the ever-flowing river of God's spirit—constantly renewing, moving, and nourishing the tree's roots.

This tree doesn’t fear the change of season.

This tree takes no anxious thought about the weather. Why?

Because this tree is nourished from the roots up, it continues to bear fruit, stay green, and remain healthy from the inside out.

Father, help me to plant myself in the river of your Spirit. Continually infuse me with sustenance from the depths of Your boundless love. Help my roots to go deep and stretch out, enabling me to bear fruit regardless of seasons—so I may be a conduit of blessing.

ದಿನ 15ದಿನ 17

About this Plan

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Embark on this 21-day journey with Mark and Darlene Zschech. Immerse yourself in key scriptures guided by the insights of these seasoned pastors. Unveil the power of prayer through daily reflections, fostering a deeper connection with God. We pray you will experience renewal, growth, and spiritual breakthroughs as you align your heart with God's Word.
