Single Mom, There’s Rest for Your Weary Soul: By Jennifer Maggioಮಾದರಿ

Single Mom, There’s Rest for Your Weary Soul: By Jennifer Maggio

DAY 2 OF 5

The hope of the world was sent so that you may never be hopeless.

The battles you face today may be many – death, lost relationships, addiction, financial ruin, parenting, challenges, and wayward prodigals. Sometimes, the challenges seem insurmountable and threaten to suffocate the life in us at any moment. The weight is heavy, and if we are not careful, we begin to feel hopeless. The hopelessness can creep in with ease. At first, that feels uncomfortable, but sadly, it becomes all too familiar, as we drown in the sorrow of one more disappointment.

I am writing to all the exhausted, hopeless, and ready-to-throw-in-the-towel mommas out there. I do not know what your no-hope moment looks like. I have no idea how long it took you to get here, how many “no’s” you had to hear, battles you had to fight, or the wounds and scars that you’ve had to hide. I cannot begin to imagine what pushed you to the brink of hopelessness. But there is one thing I do know. I do know what no-hope moments feel like. I know what it is to feel hopeless. When I was sexually assaulted for many years, there seemed to be no hope for rescue.

When I had two kids outside of marriage as a young single mom, there seemed to be no hope for a loving husband in my future. When my son was an angry teenager who was kicking holes in the walls and lunging profane my words my way, there certainly seemed to be no hope for godliness in his life.

And yet, I sit here today, full of hope, because I am well acquainted with the God of all hope. He has rescued me time and again, restoring my hope.

Here are three things you need to know:

  1. The same God that rescued you before will rescue you again. Be encouraged today that if you have a laundry list of miracles in your journal, like I do, it is evidence of the faithfulness of God. He has shown up repeatedly in my life, rescuing me from certain ruin when I was making a poor choice, or restoring hope when I was desperate. He will do the same for you.
  2. It is time for a battle plan. We must stop living like those with no hope. We need a battle plan that will adequately fill us with faith and hope when those no-hope moments arise. We need an encounter with the God of all hope. What is the strategy you are using that fills you with hope? Do you have one? Do not allow the enemy to torment you another second. Turn on the worship music. Praise despite the problems. Get planted in a local Bible study, learn the power of God’s word. Pray night and day, day and night. Get aligned with God’s plan for your life and obey. This is our battle plan. This establishes hope when there seems to be none.
  3. Learn to suffer well. Now, I know that doesn't sound fun, but listen: I do not know what your no-hope moment looks like today, but my deepest prayer is that your hope would be restored, and that the God of all hope would fill you to overflowing. However, I also pray that you would learn to be patient while you wait on that hope. 1 Peter 5:10 says, "So after you have suffered a little while, He will restore, support, and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation." This is new hope for those who have been suffering for a while. Your little while may seem like a long while right now, but He will restore and strengthen you. Today is the day for renewed hope and rising faith. It's time to call things as if they were, not as they are.

Moms, you are not hopeless. You serve the Creator of Heaven. Yes, it may seem dark right now. Yes, the finances may be tight. The children may be behaving poorly. You may still be bleeding from a broken heart, but hear me. Your God owns cattle on a thousand hills, and His word says He will supply all your needs. He is the mender of broken hearts. He is wisdom to raise up those babies well. In Him, you have all that you need. So, wait just a while longer. Just like our Scripture of the day (Psalm 25:3) says, "No one who hopes in you [God] will ever be put to shame."

Points to Ponder:

  • How has God rescued you in past seasons? Take some time to reflect on all that God has done for you.
  • What is the strategy you are using that fills you with hope? Do you have one? If not, what are some strategies you can implement in order to battle well?
  • Do you look like the world when you suffer? If so, how can you learn to suffer well? What does suffering well look like to you?
  • Is God your source of strength, or do you look to others as your source? How can you train yourself to look to the Lord alone for your source of strength?


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About this Plan

Single Mom, There’s Rest for Your Weary Soul: By Jennifer Maggio

Single mommas, there are some of you – many of you – who are just absolutely, unequivocally, worn out. You are exhausted physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. You are treading water, often struggling to keep afloat under the weight of it all. Join me on a refreshing 5-day journey, as I teach you that there is rest for your weary soul.
