5 Reasons to Memorize Scripture (And How to Start)ಮಾದರಿ

5 Reasons to Memorize Scripture (And How to Start)

DAY 5 OF 5

Scripture Memorization Wisely Seasons Your Speech

Salt is a necessary ingredient in cooking, but too much salt will ruin a dish. Too little salt will render a meal bland and tasteless. The right amount of seasoning will neither obscure the flavor of food nor overpower it.

We’re commanded in Colossians 4 to season our speech wisely. Paul says, “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Col. 4:6). Paul exhorts us here to use our speech in such a way that graciously enhances the gospel of Christ when we speak. Scripture gives us the words we need to encourage our family of faith and share Christ with the lost. Storing God’s Word in our hearts can aid us in speaking the right kind of encouragement to those who need it and sharing the gospel in a way that glorifies Jesus.

Sometimes we season our speech poorly when speaking to others. Our intentions are good, but we might gloss over their suffering when we offer glib platitudes or cliches not rooted in Scripture. We also might be guilty of using Scripture in a harsh and unloving way. So how do we salt our speech wisely?

Let’s say you want to tell a hurting friend that God works all things for good. How can you say that in a way that encourages rather than diminishes their very real pain? Go deeper into the passage! Many of us have memorized Romans 8:28, and it is a wonderful encouragement when someone is suffering. But the encouragement is strengthened when you also meditate on the preceding verses, which tell us that the Spirit “helps us in our weaknesses” and “intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” (Rom. 8:26, 27). Do you see how expanding what you’re memorizing can speak a deeper comfort to your friend?

Your speech will be wisely seasoned with Scripture when the words have been well etched into your heart through memorization. Don’t just cherry-pick your favorite verses. Pay attention to the greater context around them so your speech will be well-seasoned and full of grace and truth!

Memorization Tip:

Do you have a favorite verse? Examine the chapter where it’s found in Scripture. Challenge yourself to memorize a longer portion of Scripture to have a deeper well from which to draw encouragement.

We hope you have enjoyed this study based on the book Memorizing Scripture: The Basics, Blessings, and Benefits of Meditating on God's Word.

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About this Plan

5 Reasons to Memorize Scripture (And How to Start)

Memorizing God’s Word cultivates faithfulness and growth in our lives. We don’t memorize Scripture just so we can recite it. Rather, we hide God’s Word in our hearts so that our lives are transformed. Memorizing Scripture deepens our love for God, helps us fight sin, renews our minds, helps us endure suffering, and seasons our speech with grace and truth. Give God your mind and watch Him change your life!
