From Broken to Restored: The Book of Nehemiahಮಾದರಿ

From Broken to Restored: The Book of Nehemiah

DAY 3 OF 14

Read: Nehemiah 2:1–8; Colossians 3:23–24

SOAP: Colossians 3:23–24

Whatever you are doing, work at it with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not for people, because you know that you will receive your inheritance from the Lord as the reward. Serve the Lord Christ.

Into the Text

Four months had passed since Nehemiah first heard of the conditions of Jerusalem’s wall. He prayed and asked God for wisdom, help, and compassion for His people. But Nehemiah didn’t spend those four months waiting around. He didn’t even spend those months only in prayer.

When Nehemiah approached the king with his request, he was prepared. He anticipated what the king would ask, and he was prepared with answers to his questions. He knew exactly what he would need from the king, and he was bold in what he asked. Nehemiah spent those four months praying, asking God for wisdom and guidance, and he spent those four months planning. He realized that he needed to be faithful and obedient to God’s call by doing something about it. Yet, when the king asked him what it was he wanted, Nehemiah first prayed, asking God for help, knowing that unless He moved the king’s heart, this mission was not going to succeed. Nehemiah had faithfully prepared to do the work of God even while he awaited God’s answer.

Nothing was going to thwart God’s plan to rebuild the wall. But, because of his faithfulness and obedience, Nehemiah was able to be part of the work and lead the people in the process. God is continually rebuilding, even in our lives. It may be personal for us, or God may be rebuilding something for our families, communities, or nations. When we remain faithful and obedient, we can be part of what God is doing. When we are committed to taking steps of faith, no matter how uncertain, we will be blessed by the ways God goes before us and makes a way.

What has God put on your heart in this season? God is always working, always preparing us for what He is doing in our lives. How can you be faithful to what He has given you to do right now? What is your responsibility as you wait? What do you need to let go of and let God do as you prepare in other ways?

God is always faithful to us, and He asks for our obedience and faithfulness. He has set work for each of us to do. May we be faithful to work with enthusiasm, remembering that we are working for the Lord and that there is a rich blessing in doing that which He has given us to do.

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About this Plan

From Broken to Restored: The Book of Nehemiah

Whatever God is working on in and through us, He is always faithful to finish. From Broken to Restored is a Bible study on the Book of Nehemiah, focusing on how to respond when we see God move mightily in our lives.
