Made for This Momentಮಾದರಿ

Made for This Moment

DAY 18 OF 30


Defining Moments


“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”--Joshua 24:15


Footballer Rose Lavelle stated, “Every up and down and every decision in my life has led me to exactly where I’m supposed to be. I don’t know if I would say there’s one defining moment because there have been so many little defining moments, and they’ve all added up and led to this point.”

We all experience defining moments, a time in our lives when we made a critical decision or when something we experienced profoundly changed us.

Joshua experienced this throughout his life. For years, Joshua served as an aide to Moses, the leader of Israel and God’s people. In that position, he saw Moses’s faith and humility and God’s faithfulness. Joshua experienced God’s favor in response to his obedience. So, when he and 11 others went to spy out the promised land, he had a defining moment by not being intimidated by the size and power of their opponent. Instead, he urged his fellow Israelites not to lose heart but to trust in the promises of God to give them victory. Not all the spies agreed with him; ten of them despaired because of the size of the enemy. But God eventually gave them victory. Even when God gave what seemed to be illogical commands like marching around Jericho every day for six days and then on the seventh day marching around the city seven times, followed by trumpet sounds and shouting as a means to defeating Jericho, He obeyed, and the city fell—another defining moment in his faith.

With each small defining moment of obedience, Joshua’s faith in God grew, culminating in Joshua 24:15. Here, we see Joshua taking a bold stand of committing to serving God and calling on others to choose to do the same. His smaller defining moments prepared him for this one.

What about you? Looking back over your life, how has God prepared you for this moment? Where have you seen God’s faithfulness in response to your obedience? Whose faith can you learn from now? What small choices can you trust God with today? Who knows what God might be preparing you for?


Exodus 17:8-13, Numbers 14:6, Joshua 6:1-20, 24:14-15


Father, show me those who have a profound faith in You that I might learn from their faith. Empower me to make small choices of obedience and allow me to experience Your faithfulness. Prepare me so that when that defining moment comes my way, I will not hesitate to follow You.

ದಿನ 17ದಿನ 19

About this Plan

Made for This Moment

Life is about defining moments, the moments that try to break you, and the timely moments that make you. In this devotional series, you will meet kings, prophets, dreamers, and outsiders who all encountered defining moments that changed them forever. As you walk through this series, you will be challenged, encouraged, and inspired to step into the moment that was made for you.
