THRIVE Mom Devotional Series Part 2: The Skills to Thriveಮಾದರಿ

THRIVE Mom Devotional Series Part 2: The Skills to Thrive

DAY 1 OF 5

Day 1- Education As A Pillar To Thrive: Make A Commitment To Learning

So, I often daydream about having a garden and being this amazing plant expert. Can you imagine? Haha!

But let's get real for a sec. Can I really become a gardening pro without any guidance or knowledge? I mean, can I just stick some plants in the ground and expect them to magically thrive? Probably not, right? It takes a little know-how to make those plants flourish under our care. Lol!

But let's talk about the whole gardening process. I can't just jump in and expect beautiful blooms if I don't have a clue about what I'm doing, right?

So here's the thing: Why do I sometimes think that because God wants me to thrive and flourish, it'll all happen automatically without any effort on my part? Without me taking the time to learn what God wants from me and gaining the necessary skills?

I think about Saul, who later became Paul, and what's recorded about him in the book of Galatians. God separated him from birth and called him through His grace. But when Paul caught a glimpse of the incredible assignment God had for him, he didn't waste any time. He didn't immediately go to consult with experts or join a fancy training program. Nope! He went off to Arabia and Damascus for three years to learn and develop himself for the mission ahead.

And let me tell you, Paul made an impact! Just look at his incredible work, the epistles, and the things we read about him in Scripture. All because he chose to set himself apart for learning. That's the key, my friend.

If we truly want to thrive in whatever we're called to do, we've got to be committed to learning and acquiring the right skills. We must become experts in our fields and keep honing our abilities.

So, let's ask ourselves: Where do I need to acquire knowledge? How can I use these pillars to take my learning to the next level and truly thrive?

Let's give it some serious thought. And hey, let's not forget to pray about it too.

Let's pray: "Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow. Help us to embrace education as a pathway to thriving in our lives. Guide us in acquiring the knowledge and skills we need to excel in our callings. May we become experts in our fields and positively impact the world around us. Amen!"

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About this Plan

THRIVE Mom Devotional Series Part 2: The Skills to Thrive

The 'THRIVE' Devotional Series is a guide to living and thriving in God's Purpose. The 'Skills To Thrive' focuses on getting equipped with the right skills and learning you need to walk in God's purpose for your life.
