When You Meet Jesusಮಾದರಿ

When You Meet Jesus

DAY 1 OF 6

Meeting at the Pool

The book of John, chapter 5, opens up with Jesus visiting Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate, where at a pool called Bethesda lay a great number of people who were sick. Among them was a miserable invalid who had been at the pool for thirty-eight years before he met Jesus.

Jesus asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” 

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. What is more enthralling than meeting Jesus?

Jesus could have told the man to go into the pool to get healed, but instead He ordered the man to pick up his mat and walk. Going into the pool was the man’s expected healing point. He had lain along the pool for years and had his hope of getting healed tied to immersing himself in the pool water when the angel would come to stir it. This is exactly what every sick person was doing to get healed, so this invalid was at the same place with all the sick people. But when he got his healing unlike the others who were carried into the pool, nobody carried him to the pool. He didn’t get himself wet receiving his breakthrough.

When you meet Jesus, your way to a breakthrough is unique. Our encounter with Jesus helps us to overcome the struggles that people without Jesus go through. It doesn’t matter how long your situation has been lingering. His authority over every issue is divinely endless. When you meet Jesus, He’s more than able to help you even when there’s no one available for Him to use as a vessel. The invalid said, “But when the pool is stirred, I have no one to carry me.” Now he has come face-to-face with Jesus and will not require a middleman.

If you're looking for healing believe that Jesus can heal you with or without a physician. Trust in Jesus that your business can flourish with or without leads. Understand your relationship can improve with or without a counselor. 
The only requirement is for you to meet Jesus, He's ready to come and live in your heart if you haven't invited Him. He's ready to walk every step with you if you'll rededicate your life to Him. Jesus is more than ready to take you to the next level if you'll focus on Him. 


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About this Plan

When You Meet Jesus

There's no single person in the Bible who met Jesus with a problem and walked back home with the problem. Jesus has proven that His authority over everything is divinely endless. In this 6-Day devotional plan by Richard Owusu Bediako, author of the contemporary Christian book, 'Becoming Spiritually Successful' takes us through insightful encounters different people had with Jesus.
