A Teen's Guide To: God Is My Anchor in Transitionsಮಾದರಿ

A Teen's Guide To: God Is My Anchor in Transitions

DAY 5 OF 8

For the Love of God

Christ died for us at a time when we were helpless and sinful. No one is really willing to die for an honest person, though someone might be willing to die for a truly good person. But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful.
Romans 5:6–8 (CEV)

What would you do for your country? For your friends? For your family? We usually think of big things as a sacrifice—like going to war. But when it comes to things like watching your siblings without complaint, being strong while your parent is deployed, or living somewhere you don’t like, these things might not seem like good or worthy sacrifices. But these sacrifices matter, too.

True love is willing to make the big sacrifices, as well as the small, daily ones. We know this because we see it in our example—God. He keeps loving us and forgiving us despite our daily sins. He loved us so much that he sent his Son Jesus to die for us on the cross.

There’s an old quote that says a soldier doesn’t fight because of hatred for the enemy in front of him, but for love of those behind him. God hates sin, but he loves us. While few of us can muster up enough courage to die for someone we love, God showed his great love by giving his Son to die while we were still sinners.

So, when you consider the sacrifices asked of you, it may be a bit easier when you remember Jesus’s sacrifice and how much love God has already shown you. This week, ask God to help you have a grateful attitude through the sacrifices you make, big and small.


Using the below prompts, spend some time thinking through today’s verse

  • How perfect God is
  • What I'm willing to do for someone I love
  • Best person I know
  • Who Jesus is to me
  • Things I'm sorry for
  • What love is


“No sacrifice should be too great for Him who gave himself for us.”
—Harry Ironside, Canadian-American theologian and author who pastored Moody Church in Chicago from 1929 to 1948


Related passages: These additional verses will help you expand Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Proverbs 17:17

Proverbs 27:10

John 15:13

1 Peter 3:18

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About this Plan

A Teen's Guide To: God Is My Anchor in Transitions

Another PCS, another deployment with mom or dad gone for the year, or another unexpected heartache in a constantly changing life. But God is the constant in an ever-changing, often hurtful life. In this 8-day devotional, designed specially for military teens, but appropriate for any teen frequently moving homes, you'll learn how to anchor yourself in God's Word, no matter the circumstances.
