

DAY 22 OF 30

Verse 8 offers so much encouragement to us as followers of Jesus! Paul has spent the last chapter and a half telling us how we should or should not live our lives as people who are called to be a part of God’s covenant family. I don’t know about you, but it’s easy for me to feel the pressure of all of those things settle onto my shoulders. If we’re being honest with ourselves, living our lives according to the guidelines Paul has laid out for us is very difficult. It’s difficult because we have a very real enemy whose job is to lead us into those things - things like impurity, greed, sexual immorality, idolatry, etc.

There is, however, such good news offered in verse 8! We emerged from the darkness of these things when God sent His Spirit to come upon us. The presence of the Holy Spirit has brought light within us, and now we get to live as children of the light! This is not just to say that we are now IN the light, but we ARE light, and light produces what is good and right and true (verse 9). You should feel some pressure lift as you let the truth of these words hit your heart!

Alright, now that we’re all encouraged, let me tell you the role you play in all of this. As people who are walking in relationship with Jesus, filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, and called to God’s covenant family, it is crucial that we take daily inventory of any darkness within us that needs to be brought into the light. We can’t forget what Paul says at the beginning of this passage in verse 6 - “Don’t be fooled…” Let’s commit today to living as children of light, and examining our thoughts, words, and actions for any darkness that needs to be brought into the light.

Prayer Points

  • Thank God for sending His Spirit upon you to guide you.
  • Let God examine your heart for anything that needs to be brought into the light.
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About this Plan


This 30-day devotion will take you through the entire book of Ephesians. In Ephesians, we see the fullness of the Gospel and what it means for our lives.
