TGIF for Men: 7 Devotions for the Workplaceಮಾದರಿ

TGIF for Men: 7 Devotions for the Workplace

DAY 3 OF 7

Are You a Problem Solver?

Have you ever considered how Jesus’ fame spread throughout the land? It was because he solved problems in people’s lives. He solved Peter’s fishing problem by telling him where to cast his nets. He also solved Peter’s tax problem when he told him to go catch a fish to get the money to pay their taxes. He solved the blind man’s problem by giving him sight. He fed the five thousand and solved their food problem. He solved the prostitute’s problem by preventing her from being stoned. He solved Lazarus’ problem—he raised him from the dead. Every time he solved a problem, his influence and reputation grew.

A young servant girl worked for the wife of a general who had contracted leprosy. She told her mistress that Elijah could heal him. Elijah gave instructions for the general to go wash in a lake. The general did, and he was healed. How do you think the general viewed that servant girl after this? Her “stock” went way up!

Do you desire to have more influence in the lives of others or to have greater impact in your workplace? If so, begin solving problems. Culture does not care who solves its problems—it just wants its problems solved. Start being a problem solver, and your personal stock value will begin to grow among your associates and employer, and your spiritual authority will grow.

Question: What problem has God called you to solve in the workplace?

Father, thank you for making me a workplace problem solver.

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About this Plan

TGIF for Men: 7 Devotions for the Workplace

Live a life of faith at work. Many Christian men today think eternal impact is only made on the mission field, but God wants to use you in your profession. These devotions by Os Hillman will encourage you to pursue God’s mission for you and share God’s hope in your workplace. No matter what your job title is, you can lead for God at work today.
