The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus: A 5-Day Devotionalಮಾದರಿ

The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus: A 5-Day Devotional

DAY 4 OF 5

DAY 4: Standing for Truth

Christians are weakening drastically in their understanding of basic biblical truth despite having more access to the Bible than any other Christian generation before. We’re slipping and sliding on the historic teachings of the Christian faith. As a new age of change dawns, followers of Jesus Christ today must guard what God actually said. We are to stand firm on truth. Rather than drifting ignorantly and becoming complicit in Satan’s assault on absolute truth, godly influencers are to be channels of God’s truth and its implications for life.

Barnabas guarded God’s truth through the ups and downs of changing times at the dawn of the church age. Acts 15 records a massive moment in Christian history: the first church council, known as the Jerusalem Council, around AD 50. It is a defining moment in church history because a crucial decision was made that protected the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gathering guarded truth and managed a transition moment very well. And Barnabas was a key player in this momentous event.

Barnabas and Paul returned to the church in Antioch full of joy and great reports following their joint missionary journey (see Acts 14:21–28). God was at work. Men and women were believing in Jesus Christ despite much opposition. But eventually disturbing reports came from those churches. It appears others followed on the heels of Barnabas and Paul, adding to the gospel of faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

Paul and Barnabas confronted these fake teachers head-on and in person. The escalation of the situation was such, however, that the issue was sent up to Jerusalem for a decision from the overall leaders of the church. And so Barnabas and Paul headed to Jerusalem for the first official council of the Christian church. Barnabas, alongside heavyweights like Peter and James, contributed to the debate, and in the end, Barnabas was one of the official delegates entrusted by the church with broadcasting the decision reached across all churches.

From Barnabas’s specific involvement in this historic event, we learn two principles that we can copy today. First, godly influencers are guardians of truth. They are passionate about truth. Barnabas understood the need to constantly keep an eye on how Satan will twist God’s words. In order to detect an error, you must know the truth and confront the error before it grows and takes root within the church. Barnabas was wise enough to know that it is always better to overestimate a potential danger than to underestimate it, and to deal with error head-on.

The history of the Christian faith testifies that it is costly to stand for the truth. If you are set on influencing the world for Jesus Christ, you will need to stand for truth whatever the cost. This will take courage and conviction to stand firm and not be carried along with the current of false teaching. We are to be people of the Word. False teaching is still creeping in through those who are not rooted in the Word.


In what ways have you seen attacks on the truth of God’s Word?

Why is it important to respond to false teaching quickly? What commitment will you make to be better grounded in God’s Word?

What costs might you face as a guardian of God’s truth? What are the benefits of standing firm?


Thank you, Lord, that we have your Word of truth that sets us free to stand strong for you! Help me to know and love your Word more fully. May I have insight to identify false teaching and not be carried along by any current of teaching that contradicts your Word. I pray for the courage to stand firm no matter the cost. May I bring glory to you, the giver of all that is right, good, and true. Amen.

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About this Plan

The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus: A 5-Day Devotional

This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on Jonathan Murphy’s book Authentic Influencer: The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus. Through this study, you will learn from a remarkable man of God, nicknamed Barnabas, and his heart for influencing people to take God’s vision forward. As you walk with Barnabas, you will learn to shape the world for Jesus Christ—one life at a time.
