I AM Jesusಮಾದರಿ

The purpose of the book of John is so we would believe in Jesus and experience life through His power. That’s what Jesus communicates in His seven “I AM” statements. Against the backdrop of Jewish history, Jesus presents Himself as the fulfillment of what was, the future of what is to come, and the foundation of what is right now. That’s our hope for today. The I AMs of Jesus shape a new identity of who we are. Jesus defined Himself for us so we can define ourselves in Him. We are His, He is the “I AM,” and together we become the life-changing, world-saving, culture-shaping body God has called us to be.
That’s the beauty of Revelation 22:13. Jesus of the gospels defined for us who He is so we can believe, while Jesus after His death, burial, and resurrection, defines who He is so we can know what is to come.
The “I AM” defines me, empowers me and promises me a future with Him. From the beginning to the end, I have Bread that satisfies and a Light that purifies. I have a Gate that guides me and a Shepherd that protects me. I have a Resurrection and Life that redeems me and a Way, Truth, and Life that leads me. I have a Vine that produces life, and the Alpha and Omega that journeys with me every day of my life.
God’s response to a startled Moses is the perfect way for us to wrap up this study. After God appeared to him, Moses asked God, “What do I say next when people ask me who you are?” God simply responded, “I AM WHO I AM.” In the gospel of John when Jesus was challenged, misunderstood, questioned, or threatened, He responded with “I AM” followed by a power-packed identity statement so His followers could not merely understand Him, but become like Him. Then, at the very end of Scripture, Jesus again declares His return and fittingly confirms, “I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” He’s saying it was, is, and always will be Me. From the garden to His triumphant return in the future, to our present moment right now, the “I am” is with us. This is the hope we cling to. When you feel lonely, misunderstood, rejected, or not good enough, ask yourself this question, “Who do I say you are?” In your Spirit, hear the whisper of a still, small voice uttering a simple, yet profoundly peaceful confirmation, “I AM WHO I AM.” It was enough then, it’s enough now, and it will be enough forevermore.
About this Plan

Who better to define Jesus than Himself? That’s exactly what He does in His seven “I AM” statements throughout the gospel of John. In this plan readers will gain a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and the power He brings to the lives of His followers.
ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯದ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು

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