Growing in Righteousnessಮಾದರಿ

Growing in Righteousness

DAY 4 OF 6

Justice: Sabbath (2)

In Exodus, you see the people of Israel who have just been freed from Egypt. They were a slave people and now they are free. But they have yet to learn to live as free people. It may be the same with you and me. We are free, we can trust in the faithful care of God, yet we still act as if we have to get it all done ourselves. Do you relate to that?

The Israelites were used to a rhythm of 7 days of hard working, for 7 days of living. God gives them a new, yet not new, rhythm: 6 days of working for 7 days of living. And today, that rhythm is still the same.

How does that look in your life? It's not about the exact days and proportions, of course, but is there peace in your life? Space for rest? A rhythm of ceasing? And how do you do that? What helps you do that?

God always provided manna for the Israelites when they traveled through the desert, and on the sixth day even a double portion. This was for them a constant reminder of Who God is. The Sabbath may be that for us as well. A moment of constantly reminding ourselves and each other that we trust God, that He provides.

In the New Testament you see that Jesus regularly had problems about the Sabbath. People had made all kinds of religious rules of what was and was not allowed. Jesus regularly broke those rules and reminded the Jews - and us, too - of an important lesson: "The Sabbath was made for the sake of man, not man for the sake of the Sabbath." The Sabbath was made for us, for you. It is a gift.

To think about:

  • Did you receive the gift of Sabbath?
  • How do you celebrate the Sabbath? How do you enjoy it?
  • Jesus says the Sabbath was made for us, and not the other way around. What does that mean to you?
  • Who would you want to celebrate that moment with? Can you just go and do that?


"Thank You Lord for the gift of Sabbath. Often I forget, but I would like to receive it and really enjoy it. Would You teach me that? And, Lord, most of all, of course, I want to enjoy Sabbath - Your gift - together with You as the Giver. Would You show me more of Yourself and teach me more of living a life that honers You? Amen."

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About this Plan

Growing in Righteousness

Jesus often talks about “righteousness & justice" in His teaching. Apparently, this is an important topic for Him, and therefore for us - His disciples. How can you grow in “righteousness" and “justice"? How can you become more like Jesus in this? This plan will help you. Enjoy!
