Jumpstart True Worshipಮಾದರಿ

Jumpstart True Worship

DAY 6 OF 7


Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.
(John 13:23, KJV)

Like the disciple John, Jesus’ beloved disciple, those who lean into Jesus are those whom He loves with a greater affection. When we allow our spirits to rest in Jesus’ bosom, we can draw close enough to hear His heartbeat and catch His rhythm. Once we tap into His rhythm, we become in tune with Him like a piano in tune with its maestro. To hear and feel His heartbeat is to connect with Him and flow in His will like a piano’s melody springs forth from the maestro’s heart.

For melodic music to come forth, the strings must first be connected to the piano, then pulled into harmony with all the other strings. In like fashion, our strings—each representing a specific aspect of our lives—must be connected to God’s kingdom through salvation. We must then allow our Master to pull each string into harmony with His will. In doing so, heavenly deposits enter our spirits as we become ever so sensitive to the voice of our Maestro. And like those strings on the piano, our lives will start playing the music of His will as He requests.

Various factors can cause pianos to go out of tune. Humidity and temperature changes affect the pitch. Stretched strings and loose tuning pins cause keys to go flat. Hard playing also causes tune deterioration (Wikipedia, 2022). Likewise, we face many conditions as Christians that cause us to become flat in our faith and out of tune with our Master.

When a piano is tuned, the tuner pulls the strings tighter and tighter until the right pitch and tone are achieved. If those strings could talk, I’m sure they would complain that the process is painful. Yet, when we allow ourselves to have our faith pulled and stretched tighter, we will develop the patience to become synchronized with others who are also in tune with Him. Only then will our lives begin to make a sweet melody with Him as we fall into harmony with His will.

As the tension on piano strings loosens, the piano falls back out of tune. In like manner, the strings of our intimacy with God sometimes become weary and slacken, causing our worship and spiritual ears to become dull and flat. Thus, we no longer have an ear to hear His music. That is the sign that we need to return to our Tuner and allow Him to re-tune and re-align us with His will—the song of our worship.

The old hymn, “Spirit Of The Living God,” is a prayer that petitions and permits our Master to re-tune and use us to make a sweet melody that pleases Him. In it, we ask God to re-tune our hearts by saying, “Make me. Mold me. Fill me. Use me.”

Do you feel your faith has become weakened? Has your worship become stagnant? Now is the perfect time to allow your Master to re-tune you and tighten the strings of your intimacy as you lay in His bosom in worship. Doing so will create a melody fit for your Maestro.


Invite God to re-tune your spirit’s strings as you worship to “Spirit Of The Living God.” Allow the words of this hymn to ignite an earnest desire to have the Lord melt, mold, fill and use you. Then, surrender any hindrances to God’s tune-up that you are aware of.

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About this Plan

Jumpstart True Worship

Jump-Start True Worship will strengthen your walk with God by invoking intimate, intentional communion. This plan will help transform your mindset through increased engagement with God. In it, you’ll learn the difference between religious rituals and the Biblical definition of true worship. It also contains five daily devotions that provoke deliberate interaction with God and self-introspection, thus promoting spiritual growth.
