Capturing Glory Againಮಾದರಿ

Capturing Glory Again

DAY 2 OF 5

Glory in the dirt

Today’s Bible passage is almost mundane as you give it a quick read but I would urge you to read it again, this time slowly and really leaning in on all the names mentioned there. There are some familiar names while there are some unknowns as well. If you have the time try going back to the books of Genesis, Exodus, the Kings and the Prophets where you will see each of their life stories play out in greater detail.

Their stories surprisingly are far from glorious. In fact they are downright inglorious! Judah, a son of Jacob, sleeps with his daughter-in-law thinking she is a prostitute and twin sons are born to them of whom one is added in the genealogy. Rahab, an innkeeper/prostitute makes it onto the list while Ruth, a non-Jew, who marries Boaz is also included in this family line. Some of the Kings mentioned committed grave sins and led the nation of Israel into much sin, depravity and idolatry.

Is it surprising that people with such a colourful past made it into the family tree of Jesus, the son of God?

To be fair, that is kind of what Jesus is known for. A friend of sinners, who dined with the most despised lot of society. A man who touched the many sick and ailing who went to him for healing. A teacher who could relate to everyone and anyone in his audience effortlessly. His specialty seemed to be finding people at their lowest, grimiest, saddest state and elevating them to son and daughter status.

Mary Magdalene, a former demoniac set free by Jesus, was part of His entourage. Matthew, part of the despised lot of Jewish tax collectors made it into His core team. Judas, a liar and conniver was close beside Him for three years. Simon, one of His inner circle, denied Him in His hour of greatest need yet was reinstated to be one of the greatest carriers of the gospel.

You may have thought you disqualified yourself from the family of God because of an addiction, a wrong relationship or a sinful past. When you have Jesus in your life, He brings glory from dirt.

Your story becomes His masterpiece.

Your grime is washed away by the power of His blood that was shed on that cross at Calvary.

Only He can pick up our pieces and knit us together in the most glorious of ways. Don’t count yourself out. You belong to the family of God and He loves you. Repent of the things that have been keeping you from Him and His family. Allow Him to embrace you again!

Declaration I am a child of God. I am imperfect but I am loved and cherished by a perfect Father.
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About this Plan

Capturing Glory Again

The glory of God is something we have heard about but something we take for granted by virtue of its familiarity. This Christmas we hope that you will revisit this familiar yet poignant truth about God while allowing it to change some or all of your perspective.
