The Story of Waterಮಾದರಿ

Water Points to Something Bigger
Throughout the Old Testament, God’s people experienced small splashes of redemption, yet they struggled to believe God was the one who could quench their thirst. They often looked to other wells to satisfy them, but it was like gulping soda—something that seems to quench thirst in the short term, but denies true hydration. God’s people were in desperate need of deeper rescue.
But the Bible’s big story teaches us that those small splashes of redemption—the ark, the Red Sea rescue, the water in the wilderness—all of it was just a hint! God was going to do a new thing. It was something never seen before and something that could only be attributed to God Himself. One day, God would rescue the earth not by sending death water, but by sending Living Water. One day, God would strike the true Rock, and thirst-quenching, life-saving water would come forth. One day, God would make a way through every spiritual wilderness.
That’s why our ears perk up when we get to the New Testament and hear a man named John quoting the prophet Isaiah, calling himself “the voice of one crying in the wilderness.” John said he was preparing the way for the Lord. He pointed to God by baptizing with water—that ordinary substance that points to extraordinary truths about God. But as John baptized, he spoke of a greater man who would baptize with the Holy Spirit.
Soon, we’d see whom John was pointing to: Jesus, God in the flesh. In an act of love, sovereignty, and life-giving power, the Lord Himself came to make a way for thirsty people to drink and never thirst again. Through Him, thirsty souls could be satiated with the Holy Spirit forever.
Interestingly, Jesus asked John to baptize Him. When Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens opened up, and God the Father audibly proclaimed His affection for Jesus, His Son! But why? Perhaps this moment was a powerful picture of what Jesus was going to do: die, be buried, and be resurrected. Maybe it was a powerful proclamation from Jesus of His commitment to do what no other human could do: fully obey God and make a way where there seemed to be no way. God was so pleased, saying like a proud father, “This is My Son!”
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About this Plan

Did you know the Bible tells one big story? Let’s look at God’s big story by looking at the stories of water in the Bible—and how they all point to Jesus, the One with Living Water.
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