When We Step Out God Steps Inಮಾದರಿ

When We Step Out God Steps In

DAY 6 OF 7

God’s provision is more than we can imagine

So what happened at the end of this story? Well, the Bible says that as these four men shuffled and stumbled their way to the enemy camp, the Lord caused the Syrians to hear the sound of chariot wheels rumbling, of horses stamping their feet, of the clash of metal as spears and shields and swords clanged together, of the shout of men and the cries of warriors, of the pounding, booming sound of a mighty army.

They were so terrified that they left their camp and ran for their lives. They even abandoned their horses and donkeys. They fled to the Jordan river, flung themselves into the water, and thrashed their way across to the other side.

They said to one another. ‘Look, the King of Israel has hired Hittite and Egyptian kings to attack us.’ (2 Kings 7:6) At that stage in history, the Egyptians and the Hittites were two great powers whose armies and chariots were feared all over the ancient world.

I often wonder what might have happened if one of those Syrians had fallen over, sprained his ankle, couldn’t go on, and hid behind a rock, terrified of the approaching force. In the evening light, shadowy figures appear over the hilltop. He can’t believe what he sees—four stumbling, haggard, straggling lepers. Fingers and toes are missing, dirty, tangled hair, clothed in rags, emaciated, and starving to death. This great army struck fear into the hearts of the Syrians!

The point is that God had caused the Syrians to hear the sound of horses and men and chariots. The lepers stepped out, but God stepped in. And this is the thrilling challenge of this story. There may be nothing we can do except make a few stumbling ventures into the unknown. But God has gone ahead of us and prepared the way.

So the lepers find an abundant supply of provisions. Food, drink, clothing, money, armour, and weapons. They are absolutely delighted. Can you imagine them, four gaunt and shrivelled men, dancing around with golden cups in their hands, rich embroidered robes on their backs, laughing and croaking their delighted thanks to God—the God who has more than supplied their need.

We may sometimes feel like those lepers. But God can turn the sound of our feet, like theirs, into the sound of a great army. He can turn us into a mighty power that can shake the earth. We can certainly make the devil’s knees tremble and leave a big dent in the kingdom of darkness because when we step out in faith, God steps in with power.

What next?

How do you see yourself? No matter how weak or ineffective we may be, we can do anything God calls us to do by faith. Read Psalm 18:29; Ephesians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 8:9. Memorise one of these texts.

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About this Plan

When We Step Out God Steps In

In this Bible Plan, Dr. Barry Chant, Australian author and Bible teacher, outlines half a dozen life tactics that will stand you in good stead as a disciple of Jesus. In this adventure of faith, you will grasp concepts like how a crisis may often be a miracle in disguise, how disasters may be opportunities, how you can continually lift your level of expectancy, together with other transformational truths.
