Salvation Belongs to the Lordಮಾದರಿ

Salvation Belongs to the Lord

DAY 7 OF 7

Salvation Belongs to the LORD

David’s perilous predicament meant that there was no possible human solution! The rebellion of Absalom was so sudden and unexpected that David was left defenseless, forcing him to seek refuge in the Judaean wilderness. David’s only hope was his LORD. He was powerless to save himself. If God did not save David, then he would certainly perish! Salvation is wholly God’s sovereign act. Centuries later, the prophet Jonah, languishing in the belly of a fish underwater, would utter these same words (Jonah 2:9). Jonah faced a certain watery grave if God would not rescue him. He, like David, understood that unless God would save him by commanding the fish to vomit him, he would perish. Salvation is wholly God’s sovereign act.

The fact that man is entirely unable to save himself is the beginning of the gospel message. Fallen man is so steeped in sin and overwhelmed by guilt that no amount of his good works will ever save him. No sinner becomes a saint by their own effort. One may sooner find a square circle. Unless God acts in grace, there can be no salvation from sin. Man requires divine intervention to save him. God does sovereignly act to save his covenant children from their sins by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, to condemn sin in the flesh (Romans 8:3). By the atoning death of Christ Jesus, God redeems God’s elect. God’s Holy Spirit applies this salvation upon them. Thus, from beginning to end, we observe that man may not boast, for salvation is wholly the grace of God. This is why the Victorian Baptist pastor, Charles Spurgeon commented that “This verse contains the sum and substance of Calvinistic doctrine. Search Scripture through, and you must, if you read it with a candid mind, be persuaded that the doctrine of salvation by grace alone is the great doctrine of the word of God: ‘Salvation belongeth unto the Lord.’”

The knowledge that salvation belongs to the LORD is of great comfort to the child of faith. God will never fail. He cannot fail. Thus, the salvation he grants is sure with his blessings eternally upon his people! God’s grace is the source of all blessings. Thus, we may be confident that he who began a good work in us will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).


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