Dangerous Prayersಮಾದರಿ

Dangerous Prayers

DAY 3 OF 5

Restoration Through the Breaking

Often we come before the Lord with safe prayers, asking God to bless us, help us, provide for us. But what if we come before God with more dangerous prayers—bold prayers that will challenge us, make us uncomfortable, break us, transform us, and change our lives? These prayers can be dangerous prayers, not because they’ll harm us, but because they’ll take us to a deeper level with God. These prayers make us more like Christ and carry us closer to God.

King David’s motives weren’t always perfect, but mostly he wanted to please God, and he surrendered his heart to God and prayed one of the most vulnerable and dangerous prayers you’ll ever hear—‘Search me, God, and know my heart!’ Asking God to search your heart is a crucial but dangerous prayer because God will reveal things you might not want to know. So be ready, because when you invite God to come and cleanse your heart, He’ll show up with a broom at your door, and He’ll thoroughly clean you and break you in the process.

But God breaks us to bless us. If we ask Him to, God will chip away anything that keeps us from finding our true life in Him. And the resulting brokenness will revive the life of Christ in us. We become less, and He becomes more. That’s a good thing! Once you’re broken, you can be restored, but it may be a dangerous prayer because you don’t know where God’s plan will lead you. He may require you to do something opposite to your dreams, and it will be difficult. God had a plan for people in the Bible, but there was always a cost. Are you able to pray dangerously and ask God to search you, break you and then restore you? If you are, you can know for sure that you will never be the same again.


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About this Plan

Dangerous Prayers

Dangerous prayers—prayers that have the power to not only change circumstances but also could completely shift and change the trajectory of your life. Our prayer is that during this plan those dangerous prayers that may have been planted in your heart will begin to flourish and that you will be encouraged and inspired to step boldly into these prayers, knowing God has a plan and a purpose for your life.
