

DAY 2 OF 7

The Unusual Ones - Devotion with Ps Karolina Gunsser

Who are they?

Where are they?

Those who desire my Voice

Who seeks my Face and breakthrough to the chambers of Heaven?

Where are those desperate ones?

Who pours over the scriptures to hear My Voice?

Who digs the deep wells of the Spirit?

Who dwells on their knees pleading for an encounter, a touch?

I am seeking those ones.

I am searching, as I always have.

But these are the days when their cry is all the more piercing in the Heavenlies.

They are the Unusual Ones.

The ones willing to pay a price on their knees.

They will not be disappointed.

My heart is turned toward them.

I am searching the Earth for them as they search for Me.

Where are they? Those ones not satisfied by the world.

Those refusing the pollutants of their day; denying shallow gratifications and earthy appetites.

Those ones yearning for more.

Where are they?

The ones setting themselves apart.

Those ones crying out in their hearts?

The Unusual Ones

The Set-Apart Ones

The Marked Ones

The Hungry Ones

The Brave Ones

The Seeing Ones

The Bold Ones

The Yearning, Praying, Tasting Ones

Where are they?

Hiding themselves in my Shadow

Where are they?

Wrestling to attain

Warring till they are filled






Where are they?

My ear is drawn

My Spirit is near

My Presence inhabits

My answers whispered to their yielded hearts

My Power manifest

My Glory revealed

To those ones

The Unusual Ones




They will see Me

I will meet them

I am coming to them

I am coming through them

I am their great reward

Because they have not been satisfied with anything else,

I will be their reward.


Sweet Lord,

I am thirsty for You. You are my source of peace and joy; You are my strength.

The world around me needs You so desperately. Help me be Your hands and feet.

Fill me with Yourself, so that I can be all You have intended me to be in this life.

I come before You afresh today.



In awe.

I love Your presence.

Wash over me again.


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