Images of Leadershipಮಾದರಿ

Images of Leadership

DAY 4 OF 4

Jesus’s Leadership

John 13:15

For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.

The shepherd loves selflessly. The servant personifies humility. The steward pursues faithfulness.

Jesus embodies these three images in all the fullness of their meaning in God’s purposes and plan. He is all three simultaneously. All three images are different aspects of the same person. Similarly, his design for his people is that we are to be faithful shepherds of his flock, servants of those we lead, and stewards of what he has entrusted to us – all at the same time. God doesn’t call some to be shepherd leaders, others to be servant leaders, and still others to be steward leaders. All kingdom leaders are stewards, shepherds, and servants.

The focus of the shepherd is the well-being of those in his care. The desire of the servant leader is the development of those he serves. The steward seeks the best outcomes in the lives of those under his care and is accountable for the use and deployment of available resources. The three images are three views of the same picture, a portrait of what it is to be a leader who pleases the Lord.

The questions we must ask then are: How do I as a believer and a follower of Jesus lead his church, or his ministry, so that he is pleased with my leadership? How do I, as a follower of Jesus, lead those who don’t yet know him in a way that truly reflects his character?

Reflection Questions

Ask the Spirit to guide you as you reflect on your leadership. How could you change the way you lead to be more pleasing to Jesus? How could you change the way you lead to reflect more his character?

This content was adapted from Images of Leadership by David Bremner. To learn more about biblical pictures of leadership, read the full book.


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About this Plan

Images of Leadership

What should leadership look like in God's Kingdom? An intriguing cluster of rich images in the Bible conveys God’s answer to these questions. Meditating on these complex pictures reveals with amazingly simple clarity how to lead in a way that pleases God.
