Pray, Wife! Pray!ಮಾದರಿ

Pray, Wife! Pray!

DAY 6 OF 7

Becoming a Well-Spoken Wife

Our words matter.

They can be tools used to bless and encourage those we love, or they can be weapons that leave a trail of devastation. God has given us this great power to create with our words, and we must steward this power well.

Let’s remember that once something has been said, it really can't be taken back. The old adage that sticks and stones can break our bones, but words can never hurt us is just not true.

Words hurt.

Words scar.

Words cause damage.

So, we need to be careful what we say to our spouse and what we say about our spouse. We must be careful to uplift them and not demean them to other people. Let’s use our power well.


Lord, I know that my words have power. They can be a weapon of mass destruction or a strategic tool to build something beautiful. I have to choose. Today I choose to use my words to build my marriage and my husband. May my words to and about him be governed by kindness and love. I also choose to use my words to destroy every assignment, scheme, evil plot, and plan launched by the enemy. May my words be a targeted assault on the kingdom of darkness. Remind me that I have this choice to make every moment of every day, and give me the strength and wisdom to choose wisely.

ದಿನ 5ದಿನ 7

About this Plan

Pray, Wife! Pray!

Changes in our marriages will only happen in proportion to changes in us. Yes, our husbands need to grow, but we can’t control their growth. We only have authority over our own. This devotional is designed to help us yield our hearts, and ultimately our actions and responses, to the life-changing power of God’s Word. As we do that, we will see changes in our marriages and our lives.
