The Simple Difference by Becky Keifeಮಾದರಿ

The Simple Difference by Becky Keife

DAY 5 OF 5

Day 5: Giving your not-enough.

Scripture: John 6:1-13

To live the simple difference, we have to exchange how we see our not-enough for the way God sees it.

I can’t help but think about the boy who gave his small lunch. You probably know the story: A huge crowd—five thousand men, plus women and children—have been following Jesus and His disciples, eager to see Him heal the sick. They are in a remote location. It’s getting late, which is problematic because there isn’t enough food to feed the crowd and no easy place to get some.

The disciple Andrew points out, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” In essence, he’s saying, look at what we have—it’s something, but it’s not enough. Have you ever done this? You’re aware of a huge problem or predicament, you want to do something to help, but the resources available fall painfully short.

We don’t know if the boy who gave up his meager meal did so willingly or begrudgingly. We know that Jesus transformed what was not enough into more than enough.

“Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.” (John 6:10-13)

Scripture doesn’t say if the boy was hopeful that his little lunch would help or if it felt like an empty gesture toward a lost cause. But here’s the thing: how we feel or what we think about the resources we have to give doesn’t dictate or limit God’s power to use them. It wasn’t up to the boy what became of his food. It was up to him to be aware of the needs around him, assess the resources available to him, and respond to the opportunity to make a difference.

God’s power fueled this startling miracle of multiplication! Only He could take a total lack and turn it into total satisfaction. But the spark that started the blaze of provision was one small act of obedience.

Time and time again, I’m faced with what I perceive as my inadequacy and lack. What I have to give rarely feels enough for what is needed. A friend needs help moving, but I don’t have a truck. Someone needs a babysitter, but I’m buried with work. A family can’t pay rent, but what I have to give can hardly make a dent. We need to remember that God’s power fills in the gap in times like these.

We have the delightful opportunity to show up, give freely, and put the responsibility of the outcome squarely where it belongs—in God’s sovereign hands.

TODAY: When a need feels too big to meet, give exactly what you have.

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About this Plan

The Simple Difference by Becky Keife

When the world’s problems loom large and ordinary life stretches you thin, is it still possible to make a difference? Yes—when you live the big impact of small kindness. Rather than telling you to do more, the simple difference will show you how to see more: more of the people in front of you, more of God’s lavish love for you, more of His power within you.
