The Secret: How Do You See Love?ಮಾದರಿ

Fools Rush In
Written By: Dabney Hedegard
“It is dangerous and sinful to rush into the unknown.”—Proverbs 19:2 (TLB)
Our fingertips traced the outline of a wedding photo as we ooh’d and ahh’d over our friend’s perfectly displayed album. With smiles crossing our faces, our marriage-class mixer had stirred up animated conversations about how happy we were back in our pre-honeymoon bliss. Of course, we now all knew how that euphoric feeling shifts after a year or two. Everyone chuckled, except for Bethany. Her face contorted into a semi-frown as she whispered to me, “Well, my son just divorced.”
My smile faded. “I’m so sorry” was all I could say.
Her finger traced another photo as she shared how she cried the most at his wedding. But not tears of joy, mind you. Tears of fear because she knew he hadn’t known his wife-to-be very long. A year ago he was living at home to save for a down payment on a house. With money set aside, he ended up spending his savings on a lavish wedding to a woman he’d only known for a few months.
“I tried to help him reconsider,” she said, but the more she shared, the more he pulled away. The divorce papers were signed a year later.
My heart sank. No parent wishes this as their child’s marriage experience. Part of our illusion when we first meet is that giddy infatuation, where butterflies tingle from head to toe. It’s like we’re struck with a love stick and we’ll believe we’re capable of lasting forever, disproving every negative talking statistic out there on the topic of holy matrimony. And like every other marriage, that feeling one day changes into either a deeper, more authentic love, or withers away altogether.
Romans 15:4 reminds us that the Bible was written for our instruction, to teach us and protect us, and encourage us in our walk. Maybe this is why God advises his children of the dangers of rushing into the unknown.
The New Living Translation of today’s verse explains our haste (or hurriedness) in decision-making leads to mistakes. Maybe your situation isn’t a quick marriage proposal, but you’ve jumped in feet first and you’re speeding that dating process along. Whatever your unique circumstance looks like, take some wisdom from Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, and slow down your pace, readjust your focus to make sure you’re both racing after God first, then your relationship, and avoid the dangers of the rush.
DIG: What one area of your life do you feel you might be rushing into, even if it has nothing to do with a relationship?
DISCOVER: While you were reading, did you feel the Holy Spirit speak to you about a specific situation? If so, write down what He said and tap the words on your phone under your notes or text it to yourself.
DO: Today, pray over those words and see what He wants you to do in this situation.
ದೇವರ ವಾಕ್ಯ
About this Plan

When it comes to love and relationships, many people go through life with a distorted view. But what if there was a better way? What if our perspective is out of focus? Over the next six weeks, we’re going to see what the Word of God says about love and relationships and how it was truly meant to be seen. Through this study, we’ll uncover the secrets to healthy relationships.
ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯದ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು

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