Love Remains | A 13-Day Devotional By Hillary Scottಮಾದರಿ

Love Remains | A 13-Day Devotional By Hillary Scott

DAY 4 OF 13

“Safe Haven”

By the time you’re reading this, your mind has probably been a hundred different places. To-do lists, meetings, coffee dates, play dates, things you need to buy, people you need to see, places you need to go. Life moves at a rapid pace. It sweeps us up in a crazy rhythm of the here-and-now or the near future. Rarely do we sit back and observe life with an eternal mindset.

Yet, in scripture, we are consistently reminded to focus on things above, to focus heavenward. Paul is famous for this. It seems he had one foot on earth and one foot in eternity at all times. As he said, “For me, living is Christ and dying is gain. Now if I live on in the flesh, this means fruitful work for me; and I don’t know which one I should choose. I am pressured by both” (Philippians 1:21-23).

He said,“My home’s not here. No, I’m not bound
My hope is built on higher ground
And where I’m going
Oh, goodbye don’t mean a thing”

As believers, our lives are about so much more than the pressures and material things of this world. “We have this hope as an anchor for our lives, safe and secure,” Paul says in Hebrews 6:19. That hope he’s referring to is Christ, the one who came to bring us life here on earth, as well as beyond it.

Whatever worldly things are stealing your attention today, remind yourself that:

Sometimes when there’s no answer
No reason for the pain
And I just can’t wrap my head around the why of things that come my way
I still believe you hold a place for us in heaven

To listen to the album Love Remains on The Overflow please visit

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