Adore Him: One Star One Hope ಮಾದರಿ

Adore Him: One Star One Hope

DAY 5 OF 5



The birth of Jesus Christ is the surest sign that God is with us, is calling us, and is ready to lead us to the day when the Scriptures say “all things will be made new” (Is. 65:17-18). Because of Jesus, you and I can be made new. 

In God’s story revealed in the Bible, the world is not headed toward a time when people all learn to love each other from their own strength. It’s also not headed toward a time when people meaninglessly disintegrate the earth and each other out of greed, hatred, or a nuclear fistfight. God’s story tells us he is ultimately in charge of our future, and that we are headed toward a day when, with Jesus in charge of the world at his return, all things will be restored and renewed. This world will be turned right side up, as it was meant to be, guided and led by Jesus – who is Love and Hope incarnate. 

So, Merry Christmas – Jesus is the Hope of humanity! Because Jesus came at Christmas, and because he is coming again, there will one day be no tyrants, children sold into slavery, or debilitating illness. There will be no more broken families, broken relationships, or broken hearts. At the end of all things, Christ will restore all that the Bible tells us was lost when human beings rebelled against God at the beginning of time. But the really good news today is that you are receiving a Christmas gift from God. Here it is. 

One of the things that was lost, that God came to restore at Christmas, is you. God loves you – and there is nothing you can do about it! In offering your life to Jesus Christ, he will make you new – into the person he has designed you to be. Give in to His love again this Christmas, and find the Hope that will last a lifetime. Be a true Stargazer today – and seek Jesus, the One Star, the One Hope, of the world. He will be found if you look for him with all your heart. The light of his love will guide you home. 

Apply This In Your Life 

Like the wise men, Mary, the shepherds, and Joseph in the Christmas story, make it your mission to follow Jesus as your Star of Hope. Don’t look to other “stars” that can’t deliver on their promises. Rather, look to Jesus. He will always be your source for what you truly need in this life. 

A Closing Prayer 

Lord Jesus, I choose to follow you (again) today. As Christmas declares your love for me, for my family and friends, and for the world, so too I am ready to declare my love for you. I am ready to step into your plan for me.

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About this Plan

Adore Him: One Star One Hope

During Advent, we remember that Jesus is God’s Star, heralding God’s love and forgiving power to us. Each devotional in this series is for one of the Sundays leading up to Christmas. The fifth, and final devotional, is for Christmas Day. Use these short reflections around a meal table, or on your own. More than anything, lift your eyes to God’s Star –Jesus – as your Hope this season.
