

DAY 7 OF 7


As Christians, we are accountable within the body of Christ. If I, as a follower of Jesus, live in sin, I will in some way affect the entire body of Christ. Just as the sin of Achan (Joshua 7) within the camp of Israel made the whole nation of Israel vulnerable to attack by the enemy, Christian believers living in sin will affect and render powerless the entire body of Christ, beginning with their own families. When we, as part of the body of Christ, find another brother dabbling in sin, it is our responsibility to confront the believer in love and restore him or her back as in Galatians 6:1. We need each other in the body of Christ.

In Romans 14, Paul talks of how mature believers ought to live so that they help the weaker brother get stronger in the faith. We as mature believers are not to make the weaker brother stumble, but rather build them up.

As mentioned in I Cor 12, each of us has been given different gifts within the church, the body of Christ. Each of us is expected to use our gifts for God’s glory to reach out to others with his love and compassion. Very often we tend to covet the gifts God has given others instead of being accountable for what we have been given.

The apostle Paul talks about lawsuits among believers in I Cor 6. Jesus in Matt 18:15-17 talks about how a dispute should be settled between brothers within the body of Christ. In the church today we need to be able to realize that each of us is accountable to God in our stewardship. Many times churches break on account of disputes. As members of the body of Christ, we have a responsibility to nurture and nourish the body and not destroy it. I Cor 3:16, 17 talks of the punishment that awaits anyone who destroys the body of Christ.

Thought for the day: When Christians are committed to Christ, they find it easier to submit to one another in the body of Christ.

Pray: Dear Lord Jesus, help me submit to my brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. Cleanse every part of my life that I can grow in your likeness in the body of Christ.
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About this Plan


As human beings in general and as Christians in particular, we are accountable at various levels, to God, our families, our friends, our bosses and our teams at our places of work. Human nature in itself does not relish accountability. Accountability to God is the fundamental thing that is the enabler for all other levels of accountability.
