God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)ಮಾದರಿ

God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)

DAY 5 OF 9


One of the most popular characters in the Bible, particularly among professionals and businessmen, is Daniel. Representing excellence, influence on the world and spiritual depth on the word, he is flashed as a perfect role model.
Yet the stand-out quality in Daniel’s life is not the fact that he is highly esteemed by men, but highly esteemed by God (9:23, 10:11). That is the only credential we need to aspire for.
After capturing Israel, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, identifies the cream of the crop, still teenagers, to train and groom them into his service.

The Requirements
• Heritage – Royalty
• Age – youths (14-17 years old)
• Physical – healthy, physically appealing
• Mental – insight, knowledge, understanding
• Social – personality, poise

The Brainwashing Process
The “training” is so intense, meant to completely immerse the youths into all aspects of Babylonian ways.
• Regimen - three year training (1:5b)
• Language and Literature – of Chaldeans (Daniel 1:4b) which include omens, magical incantations, prayers, hymns, myths, legends, scientific formulae for skills such as glass-making, mathematics and astrology
• Lifestyle – food and drink from the king’s table (1:5)
• Identity – Their new names give credit to the gods of Babylon, further divorce them from their background and assimilate them into Babylonian life.

Daniel’s Stand
While they excel, when a conflict arose, he and his friends never compromise or allow themselves to be brainwashed on:
• Food – tactfully refuse the king’s food proving that vegetarian food is equally healthy (1:8)
• Worship – neither worship the gods not the king of Babylon (3:12)
• Integrity – His rivals collectively acknowledge that they can only accuse him in connection with his God. (6:5)
• Prayer – With or without the decree, Daniel sticks to his thrice-a-day public prayer schedule. (6:10)
• Wisdom – It is God who gives them wisdom. (1:7)

God’s Response
God stands with them as He:
• Walks with them in the fire (3:25)
• Endows supreme favour (6:3)
• Personally responds to prayers (9,10)
• Shuts the mouths of lions (6)
Daniel stands out, not for his exceptional skills but for his exceptional Spirit.
“And Daniel continued” (1:21, 12:13) in the reign of three kings.

In a corrupt world, how do we stand out and achieve the longevity that Daniel does? Is our integrity unstained even before rivals? Do we excel in all responsibilities and seek God’s esteem above worldly esteem?
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About this Plan

God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)

Prophets take the limelight as kings flail, warning leaders and people of God’s impending judgment. For every true prophet there are several quacks pushing people back into delusion and complacency. Similar to our current day scenario - false teachers abound attracting millions. The few who stand for truth may appear victims but in God’s power are victors and sway the future. Exciting glimpses of the future are also touched upon.
