

DAY 6 OF 20

We all have favorites, don't we? Favorite songs, favorite movies, favorite pizza toppings, and favorite people too. If you scored a free vacation to Disney World right now for you and your five favorite people, you'd probably start narrowing down your invite list pretty quickly. We all have favorite people, and that makes sense! We can't be best friends with everyone. But sometimes we can take this a little too far. Instead of simply having favorites, we start playing favorites by excluding, hurting, or treating people unfairly. 

But the Bible teaches us some really important things: 1) God doesn't have favorites — we're all loved equally. 2) God hates it when we show favoritism in ways that harm others. 3) If you want to be more like Jesus, follow His lead and love people as He does. That kind of love will radically change your relationship with others and with God too. If you want to love people like that, remember that radical people don't play favorites.

When is it easiest to just pick your favorite? Why do you think that is?


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About this Plan


Jesus had a lot to say about love, but not everyone loved him. Instead, Jesus’ opponents hated him, attacked him, and saw him as extreme — a radical. And they had a point! The things Jesus taught about loving God and others challenged the status quo. In this 4-week devotional series from Grow Curriculum, we'll look at four ways Jesus invites us to love others according to his revolutionary example.
