Treasure Hunt 3ಮಾದರಿ

Treasure Hunt 3

DAY 3 OF 5

The Worst Place Ever!


There is a place that nobody wants to think about—can you think of where? Oh, that’s right—you probably don’t want to think of it either! No, we’re not talking about math class, it’s somewhere way, way worse.

That place is always burning and there is always pain and agony. Everyone there, hates each other, and hates themselves. Forever they regret that they missed their chance, missed a lifetime of chances, to come to God and be forgiven, and given eternal life. But they put it off too long. Or maybe they even ridiculed God, and laughed at the idea of Hell. That’s right, I gave it away—the place we are talking about is Hell.

And when you think of Hell, what do you think about? What does it look like? Yeah, I know, you don’t want to talk about it, LOL, but Jesus talks about it a lot. What kind of place is Hell? Well, in the book of Matthew, Jesus describes what Hell is like six times, and all six times He uses the exact same words, that people there will: “weep and grind their teeth”.

And that is no laughing matter—Hell is a place where every monster and demon lurks, every horror is unleashed, every misery claws…

Jesus makes it clear; Hell is real:


The Son of Man will come in all his glory. All the angels will come with him. Then he will sit in glory on his throne. All the nations will be gathered in front of him. He will separate the people into two groups. He will be like a shepherd who separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep to his right and the goats to his left. Then the King will speak to those on his right. He will say, ‘My Father has blessed you. Come and take what is yours. It is the kingdom prepared for you since the world was created. I was hungry. And you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty. And you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger. And you invited me in. I needed clothes. And you gave them to me. I was sick. And you took care of me. I was in prison. And you came to visit me.’ Then he will say to those on his left, ‘You are cursed! Go away from me into the fire that burns forever. It has been prepared for the devil and his angels. Then they will go away to be punished forever. But those who have done what is right will receive eternal life.
Matthew 25:31-36, 41, 46 (NIRV)


At the end of the world, Jesus separates everyone into two groups of people. What two groups? Those that are His (sheep metaphor) and those that are not His (goat metaphor). Where is each group going? Right, those that are His will enter the awesomeness of Heaven, those that aren’t, will go to the horror of Hell.

Actually, you, and me, and everybody, deserves to go to Hell, but with Jesus, we are rescued. Actually, anybody can go to Heaven!!! It’s crazy though that so many people will actually go to Hell! Now let’s be real, you shouldn’t want ANYONE to go to Hell! Hell is the horror of horrors, and as Jesus said, it’s forever. 

We can do something about it! Our Jesus was tortured and died, to rescue us. He offers everyone the gift of forgiveness, and we want to give them a chance to take that gift. So, start asking God to use you to help save people. The first thing to do is start praying for those people…


Take a minute to think of who you want to pray for. 

Ask that their hearts would be opened to Jesus.

BTW, you ROCK!

Dr. Andy

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About this Plan

Treasure Hunt 3

Get ready for awesomeness! The Treasure Hunt series will grab your mind like never before for God’s amazing adventure! Themes of the three plans are; finding faith, finding identity, and finding impact. Based on the global kids/youth discipleship series, Treasure Hunt Venture by Dr. Andy Meeko, an original from NewDayToDay in Tokyo.
