Stand With Godಮಾದರಿ

Stand With God

DAY 6 OF 7

Stand with God by Suffering for God

The title of today’s devotional might take us aback. After all, suffering seems like too strong of a word for the trials of western Christians. Since other Christians around the world are suffering to such extremes, even to loss of life, using the same word seems inappropriate. (Read 1 Peter 3:13)

But suffering can take on different forms and different degrees. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, suffering means “pain that is caused by injury, illness, loss, etc.: physical, mental, or emotional pain.” With this definition in mind, I believe Grace is entering a period of suffering for God as she stands with God. Look at what is at stake: her livelihood, her career, her good name, and (conceivably) the financial means to care for her aging, ailing grandfather.

Believers throughout the ages have suffered at the hands of those who do not believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In the Old Testament, we read of His people being thrown in the fire, thrown in a den of lions, slaughtered and stoned. In the New Testament, the theme of persecution continues towards those who dare follow God’s only Son.

Yet scripture does not encourage God’s faithful ones to avoid suffering. In verse fourteen of our reading passage today, we learn that in our suffering for righteousness’ sake, we are blessed. And when we are brought before judges, rulers, and even school board officials, we are to be ready to speak about our beliefs. In other words, when asked to explain ourselves, we should be well-equipped to do so with clarity and conviction.

Also in this passage, we notice something else: God does not promise us that others’ hearts and minds will be swayed by our words. We might still be defamed and discriminated against. We still might suffer. However, the promise of His eternal blessings far outweighs any temporal suffering we will experience. (Read 1 Peter 5:10)

Grace understands that her fear for God must outweigh her fear of man (and her fear of what might potentially happen to her). She must trust that God is ultimately in control of her destiny…and will give her the strength to stand for Truth in the face of accusation and adversity. She must “sanctify the Lord God” in her heart, as our passage reads, so that her awe at His majesty will cause all other cares to diminish in comparison.

This is how we can prepare our own hearts, too, regardless of the struggles or sufferings we face. Today, let us meditate on His goodness and on His greatness, reminding ourselves that He is the God of all grace and He is there for you and there for me.

It’s His promise.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, we see ourselves in Grace today, understanding that at any time we may also be called to suffer for righteousness’ sake. We ask that You prepare us and equip us to stand for Your Truth. Also, Father, we lift those in prayer today who are suffering persecution for their faith in Christ and ask for your to strengthen them and establish them with Your amazing Grace.

In Jesus name, amen.

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About this Plan

Stand With God

This study dives into the tough concepts of what it really looks like to stand with God in our everyday lives. Inspiring and encouraging, this study uses clips from God’s Not Dead 2 to help the reader grasp situations that God could call us to step up in. Every day in life you must ask yourself the question, “Where will you stand?”
