Called Outಮಾದರಿ

Called Out

DAY 3 OF 5


Imagine that you and I could time travel and we decided to go back to the story of David. The youngest of eight sons of his father Jesse, David was the “forgotten child.” His older brothers were strong and successful men. David, on the other hand, was left to tend his father’s sheep. One day, the prophet Samuel was sent by God to the house of Jesse to anoint the next King of Israel. Upon arriving at the house, Jesse was asked to present his sons to Samuel. Jesse gathered all of his sons and assembled them before Samuel, except for David who he left out tending the sheep. At one of the most important moments in the life of this family, David got left out! But God had not forgotten him. Moments later, David was summoned from the field and anointed by Samuel as King of Israel. 

Since his anointing he had entered into the service of Saul, the current King of Israel. He served in close proximity to the king as one of the royal armour-bearers and played the lyre to soothe the king. A servant described David as "skillful in playing, a man of valor, a warrior, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence; and the Lord is with him." In this season of David’s life, he had been anointed as king but not appointed as king. Nonetheless, David chose to faithfully stay at his post. David went on to become a mighty warrior and leader in Saul’s army, earning the respect of his peers, winning the hearts of the Israelites, and walking in the favour of God. 

Despite his accolades during this season, David must have wondered when his calling was going to be fulfilled. It took fourteen years from the time David was called by God for him to be crowned the King of Israel. There was a delay between the call and the crown.

Isn’t that also true for us? God speaks to us in a dream, a promise, a calling, and then what follows? A delay! As we seek to become who we are called to be and to receive the promises God has in store for us, we can draw wisdom from David’s attitudes and actions in the gap between the call and the crown.

Firstly, David was able to stay faithful to the call because he knew his authority. In 1 Samuel 17 when he went to fight Goliath, David said to him, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” When we know our authority, we will not shrink back from our own "giants" in life; rather we will stand strong, full of faith, and continue pursuing God’s call despite the odds.

Secondly, David was able to stay faithful to the call because he learned to be content in the gap between the call and the crown. He was faithful with where God had placed him and what God had put in his hand. When we face delays between God’s calling and its fulfilment in our lives, we can take great courage and remain content in every season knowing that God is working out his plan as we stay obedient to him.

Finally, David was able to stay faithful to the call because his confidence was in the Lord. He knew that his calling was safe in God’s hands. No giant, no battle, no disappointment or betrayal could stop the Lord from fulfilling his plan for David. When we face delays to the call of God over our lives, we remain faithful when we continue to put our confidence and trust in the Lord. We can be confident knowing that He will bring to completion the good work He has started in us!


  • Where are you experiencing a delay in the promises and call of God?  
  • What is one area of your calling where you need to stand in your God given authority? What scriptural declarations do you need to make in these areas? 
  • When it comes to your calling, what can you do today to place your confidence in the Lord instead of in current circumstances? 


Lord, I pray that your Holy Spirit would move powerfully in me right now. I ask that you would help me to be faithful to Your calling. Even though I can’t see it all, I trust that You are working out Your plan for me. Thank You for giving me contentment and peace to remain true to you in every season. I pray that You would stir up a fight in me like never before. I choose to walk in Your boldness and authority. Lord, I believe You are making me into a bold leader, someone who is an overcomer, and someone who will stay faithful to Your calling on my life. In Jesus name, amen!

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About this Plan

Called Out

At Hillsong College, we believe that each one of us have been called out to advance God's Kingdom here on earth. This discipleship study will help you discover and embrace the call of God. This 5 Day plan was written by students and staff of Hillsong College.
