The Lesser Thingsಮಾದರಿ

The Lesser Things

DAY 3 OF 5

When I think that one of the iconic stories in the Bible is about choosing the lesser things, it brings me to the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis 25. The story tells us about how Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of stew. Y’all, every time I read this, I’m like “Really? Why would he do that?” But then I have to question myself and reflect on all of the times that I’ve traded my birthright, alcohol, sugar. Maybe for you it’s drugs, porn, social media likes, shopping. It can be anything. So often we are willing to give up what God has given us - as an heir of His - for such garbage. We are so ready to fill our lives up with permanent consequences for a temporary fix. We take a temporary moment, reimagine it to be final, and then make a life altering decision based on our fleeting and untrustworthy emotions. 

We are all guilty of giving up our birthright for a bowl of stew. Whatever satisfies us in that moment is what we desire. It’s what we want and we won’t stop until we get it. But those are temporary fixes. There is only one true thing that can fill the voids of our life and that is God. I am an expert at trying to fill the voids of my life with everything but Him. I did that for a long time. 

I met a man whom I very quickly judged as my future husband. I married him, hardly knowing him, and ended up divorced quickly after. I thought this man would fill my deepest voids. I thought somehow he would be my savior. Even though I knew Jesus, I hadn’t placed Him as the ultimate authority in my life and I paid the consequences for that. I placed unattainable expectations on a man who is simply human. I was deeply disappointed when I learned that no one and nothing would satisfy a desire that God intentionally placed in my soul for Him. I ended up divorced, a single mom, broken and angry. But it wasn’t until I allowed God to fill me up and be my everything that the brokenness began to heal. And today, I can say that I have been made whole again, restored completely, because of God. 

Lesser things are easy. They’re a quick fix. Anyone can have that. But you, you’re special, one of a kind, a gem, a King’s kid. Go grab your birthright back.

Prayer: Dear God, You call me Your child. I don’t understand that. I’ve messed up so many times. How can You possibly love me? How can you call me Your heir? And yet, You do. Thank You for loving me so much. Thank You that You created me just as I am. With all of my faults and imperfections - You still chose me and gave me a purpose. I am Yours and You are mine. Convict my heart quickly when the trade begins pulling me away. I don’t ever want to trade You again for anything less. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Worship: Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin 

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About this Plan

The Lesser Things

This week we’re going to take a few days to read over a few Bible stories and think about how they apply to us. Let’s consider what we might need to change - repent from- in order to live out the abundant life that God has for us and stop ourselves from choosing the lesser things that the world offers.
